[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#941604: rollup 0.56 transition: rainbow.js build fails with 'Unknown option found: moduleName, dest'

Pirate Praveen praveen at onenetbeyond.org
Wed Oct 2 17:21:01 BST 2019

Package: rainbow.js
version: 2.1.4+ds-1
severity: important

rainbow.js fails with rollup 0.56 currently in experimental. Please 
update your package to work with rollup 0.56.

The error message is,

NODE_PATH=debian/node_modules gulp pack
[16:17:26] Local gulp not found in /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>
[16:17:26] Try running: npm install gulp
[16:17:26] Using globally installed gulp
[16:17:27] Using gulpfile /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/gulpfile.js
[16:17:27] Starting 'pack'...
The following options have been renamed — please update your config: 
entry -> input
Unknown option found: moduleName, dest. Allowed keys: input, legacy, 
treeshake, acorn, acornInjectPlugins, context, moduleContext, plugins, 
onwarn, watch, cache, preferConst, experimentalDynamicImport, 
experimentalCodeSplitting, preserveSymlinks, entry, external, extend, 
amd, banner, footer, intro, format, outro, sourcemap, sourcemapFile, 
name, globals, interop, legacy, freeze, indent, strict, noConflict, 
paths, exports, file, dir, pureExternalModules
[16:17:27] 'pack' errored after 229 ms
[16:17:27] Error: You must supply output.name for UMD bundles
    at Object.error [as default] 
    at umd (/usr/share/nodejs/rollup/src/finalisers/umd.js:30:24)
    at /usr/share/nodejs/rollup/src/Chunk.js:585:27
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

I tried to fix it, but I could not.

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