[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#942199: rollup 1.0 transition: node-rollup-plugin-babel fails to build with Error: You must supply options.input to rollup

Pirate Praveen praveen at onenetbeyond.org
Sat Oct 12 07:24:38 BST 2019

package: node-rollup-plugin-babel
version: 3.0.3-3
severity: important

With rollup 1.0.2-1 in experimental, we get this error when building,

Found debian/nodejs/./build
	cd ./. && sh -e debian/nodejs/./build
(!) You have passed an unrecognized option
Unknown input option: entry, targets, sourceMap. Allowed options: 
acorn, acornInjectPlugins, cache, chunkGroupingSize, context, 
experimentalCacheExpiry, experimentalOptimizeChunks, 
experimentalTopLevelAwait, external, inlineDynamicImports, input, 
manualChunks, moduleContext, onwarn, perf, plugins, preserveModules, 
preserveSymlinks, shimMissingExports, treeshake, watch

undefined → stdout...
[!] Error: You must supply options.input to rollup
Error: You must supply options.input to rollup
    at new Graph (/usr/share/nodejs/rollup/src/Graph.js:90:19)
    at Object.rollup 
    at Object.build [as default] 
    at /usr/share/nodejs/rollup/bin/src/run/index.js:117:39
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
    at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:834:11)
    at startup (internal/bootstrap/node.js:283:19)
    at bootstrapNodeJSCore (internal/bootstrap/node.js:622:3)

Please fix the error so we can upload rollup 1.0 to unstable.

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