[Pkg-javascript-devel] Updating npm

Xavier yadd at debian.org
Sun Sep 8 07:16:02 BST 2019

Le 05/09/2019 à 18:17, Manas Kashyap a écrit :
> Hola , 
> I have been working on updating the npm package under my personal forked
> repo of the upstream repository under
> js-team https://salsa.debian.org/Manas-kashyap-guest/npm , i am removing
> the embedded package that is now in Debian archive, so i am thinking
> about doing the same for all packages then move on for updating the
> patches of the package.
> Is my approach right or something have some other idea in mind please
> respond accordingly. 
> Thank you. Regards
> Manas Kashyap


thanks but it seems not enough: the following modules exists in Debian:

- ansi-align ansi-styles are-we-there-yet asap asn1 assert-plus asynckit
aws4 aws-sign2
- balanced-match bcrypt-pbkdf bl boxen brace-expansion builtin-modules
- camelcase caseless chalk ci-info cli-boxes cliui clone color-convert
color-name colors combined-stream concat-map concat-stream
console-control-strings copy-concurrently core-util-is cross-spawn
crypto-random-string cyclist
- dashdash debug decamelize deep-extend defaults define-properties
delayed-stream delegates dot-prop duplexer3 duplexify
- ecc-jsbn encoding end-of-stream errno es6-promise escape-string-regexp
execa extend extsprintf
- fast-deep-equal find-up flush-write-stream forever-agent form-data
from2 fs.realpath function-bind
- gauge get-caller-file getpass get-stream got
- har-schema har-validator has has-flag http-signature
- iconv-lite import-lazy invert-kv isarray isexe is-npm is-obj
is-path-inside is-retry-allowed is-stream isstream is-typedarray
- jsbn jsonparse json-parse-better-errors json-schema
json-schema-traverse json-stringify-safe jsprim
- latest-version lcid locate-path lodash.clonedeep lodash.union
lodash.uniq lodash.without lowercase-keys
- make-dir mem mime-types mimic-fn minimatch minimist ms mute-stream
- npm-run-path number-is-nan
- oauth-sign object-assign os-locale os-tmpdir
- package-json parallel-transform path-exists path-is-absolute
performance-now p-finally pify p-limit p-locate prepend-http
process-nextick-args promzard proto-list prr pump pumpify punycode
- qs
- rc registry-auth-token registry-url require-directory
require-main-filename resolve-from run-queue
- semver-diff set-blocking shebang-command shebang-regex signal-exit
slash spdx-correct spdx-expression-parse string_decoder

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