[Pkg-javascript-devel] Packaging issue in node-redux: Unexpected token (three dots)

Nicolas Mora nicolas at babelouest.org
Mon Apr 27 01:27:54 BST 2020


I'm helping the Covid biohackathon by the Debian Med team with the
package node-redux [1], but I have a problem in the package builder. The
command 'rollup -c' exits with the following error.

root at docker-sid:/opt/redux-4.0.1 # rollup -c
src/index.js → lib/redux.js...
[!] (babel plugin) SyntaxError: /opt/redux-4.0.1/src/applyMiddleware.js:
Unexpected token (37:6)
src/applyMiddleware.js (37:6)
SyntaxError: /opt/redux-4.0.1/src/applyMiddleware.js: Unexpected token
  35 |
  36 |     return {
> 37 |       ...store,
     |       ^
  38 |       dispatch
  39 |     }
  40 |   }
    at Parser.pp.raise
    at Parser.pp.unexpected
    at Parser.pp.parseIdentifier
    at Parser.pp.parsePropertyName
    at Parser.pp.parseObj
    at Parser.pp.parseExprAtom
    at Parser.pp.parseExprSubscripts
    at Parser.pp.parseMaybeUnary
    at Parser.pp.parseExprOps
    at Parser.pp.parseMaybeConditional

Does anyone have a clue? I tried installing various kinds of node-rollup
and node-babel plugins and tried lots of different babelrc but I was
never able to fix it.

Be sure that the final package will have a lot of cleanup as well as
pkg-js-tools used, but so far I try to at least be able to build the

Thanks in advance


[1] - https://salsa.debian.org/babelouest/node-redux

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