[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#958769: Bug#958769: Bug#958769: node-react: Package fail to build with node-rollup-plugin-babel 4.4.0

Pirate Praveen praveen at onenetbeyond.org
Tue Apr 28 12:24:27 BST 2020

On Sat, Apr 25, 2020 at 11:26 am, Xavier <yadd at debian.org> wrote:
> Le 25/04/2020 à 09:51, yadd at debian.org a écrit :
>>  Package: node-react
>>  Severity: important
>>  This package fails to build with node-rollup-plugin-babel 4.4.0
>>  (available in experimental dist). Problem seems to be just a missing
>>  dependency to one a node-babel (6) package.
> Error is:
> Unknown input option: pureExternalModules, legacy. Allowed options:
> acorn, acornInjectPlugins, cache, chunkGroupingSize, context,
> experimentalCacheExpiry, experimentalOptimizeChunks,
> experimentalTopLevelAwait, external, inlineDynamicImports, input,
> manualChunks, moduleContext, onwarn, perf, plugins, preserveModules,
> preserveSymlinks, shimMissingExports, treeshake, watch
> -- PLUGIN_ERROR (babel) --
> This API has been removed. If you're looking for this functionality in
> Babel 7, you should import the '@babel/helper-module-imports' module 
> and
> use the functions exposed  from that module, such as 'addNamed' or
> 'addDefault'.
> TypeError: Cannot destructure property `file` of 'undefined' or 
> 'null'.
>     at createBundle (/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/scripts/rollup/build.js:391:42)

The main module already builds fine with babel 7 but it has some 
generated files embedded in it which lintian flags as source missing.

I'm trying to build react-window from source and getting an error,

# Build embedded copy of react-window
cd packages/react-devtools-shared/src/node_modules/react-window && \
mkdir -p dist && \
cp flow-template dist/index.cjs.js.flow && \
cp flow-template dist/index.esm.js.flow && \
rollup -c

./src/index.js → dist/index.cjs.js...
[!] (babel plugin) SyntaxError: 
Unexpected token (5:12)

  3 | import createGridComponent from './createGridComponent';
  4 |
 > 5 | import type { Props, ScrollToAlign } from 
    |             ^
  6 |
  8 |
src/VariableSizeGrid.js (5:12)
Unexpected token (5:12)

  3 | import createGridComponent from './createGridComponent';
  4 |
 > 5 | import type { Props, ScrollToAlign } from 
    |             ^
  6 |
  8 |
    at Parser.raise 
    at Parser.unexpected 
    at Parser.expectContextual 
    at Parser.parseImport 
    at Parser.parseStatementContent 
    at Parser.parseStatement 
    at Parser.parseBlockOrModuleBlockBody 
    at Parser.parseBlockBody 
    at Parser.parseTopLevel 
    at Parser.parse 

Can some one help here? All changes pushed to salsa master branch of 
node-react repo.

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