[Pkg-javascript-devel] which recently changed dependency broke node-terser? See bug#950666

Xavier yadd at debian.org
Tue Feb 4 16:52:30 GMT 2020

Le 4 février 2020 17:06:44 GMT+01:00, Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk> a écrit :
>node-terser has not been changed for 3 months.
>Today it was reported broken: https://bugs.debian.org/950666
>Smells like the thing broken is some recent change in its dependency 
>chain rather than the node-terser package itself.
>Anyone recognize a recently uploaded module among the ones below?
>Mocha, perhaps?
>@Xavier, you mention in changelog that mocha had "successful tests" - 
>did those tests include rebuilding node-terser?

I didn't test all rebuild but fixed all autopkgtest failures due to mocha changes (all easy to fix btw). I'll take a look at terser tomorrow morning.


>Below are most of the node-related build-dependencies from above 
>bugreport - with a few stripped that I checked wasn't changed in 
>unstable recently.
>node-function-bind all 1.1.1+ds-2
>node-estree-walker all 0.7.0-2
>node-is-buffer all 1.1.6-1
>node-kind-of all 6.0.3+dfsg-1
>node-is-number all 7.0.0-1
>node-repeat-string all 1.6.1-1
>node-to-regex-range all 5.0.1-2
>node-fill-range all 7.0.1-2
>node-braces all 3.0.2-2
>node-normalize-path all 3.0.0-2
>node-anymatch all 3.1.1+~2.1.1-1
>node-micromatch all 4.0.2+repack-2
>node-rollup-pluginutils all 2.3.3-4
>node-inherits all 2.0.3-1
>node-source-map all 0.7.0++dfsg2+really.0.6.1-4
>node-source-map-support all 0.5.16+ds-1
>node-prelude-ls all 1.1.2+dfsg-4
>node-wordwrap all 1.0.0-1
>node-deep-is all 0.1.3-1
>node-browser-stdout all 1.3.1-2
>node-color-name all 1.1.3-1
>node-color-convert all 1.9.3-1
>node-ansi-styles all 4.2.1-1
>node-escape-string-regexp all 1.0.5-1
>node-has-flag all 2.0.0-1
>node-supports-color all 6.1.0-2
>node-chalk all 2.4.2-1
>node-commander all 4.0.1-2
>node-ms all 2.1.1-1
>node-debug all 4.1.1-2
>node-lodash-packages all 4.17.15+dfsg-2
>node-define-properties all 1.1.3-1
>node-diff all 1.4.0~dfsg-2
>node-balanced-match all 0.4.2-1
>node-concat-map all 0.0.1-1
>node-brace-expansion all 1.1.11-1
>node-minimatch all 3.0.4-3
>node-wrappy all 1.0.2-1
>node-once all 1.4.0-3
>node-fs.realpath all 1.0.0-1
>node-inflight all 1.0.6-1
>node-path-is-absolute all 1.0.0-1
>node-glob all 7.1.6-1
>node-growl all 1.10.5-2
>node-he all 1.2.0-1
>node-sprintf-js all 1.1.2+ds1-1
>node-argparse all 1.0.10-1
>node-esprima all 4.0.1+ds-2
>node-js-yaml all 3.13.1+dfsg-2
>node-lodash all 4.17.15+dfsg-2
>node-mkdirp all 0.5.1-1
>node-clone all 2.1.2-1
>node-defaults all 1.0.3-1
>node-wcwidth.js all 1.0.0-1
>node-ansi-regex all 3.0.0-1
>node-strip-ansi all 6.0.0-2
>node-string-width all 2.1.1-1
>node-wide-align all 1.1.3-1
>node-require-directory all 2.1.1-1
>node-get-caller-file all 1.0.2-1
>node-set-blocking all 2.0.0-1
>node-require-main-filename all 1.0.1-1
>node-decamelize all 1.2.0-1
>node-wrap-ansi all 4.0.0-2
>node-cliui all 4.1.0-2
>node-which-module all 2.0.0-1
>node-mimic-fn all 1.1.0-1
>node-mem all 1.1.0-1
>node-yallist all 4.0.0-1
>node-lru-cache all 5.1.1-5
>node-isexe all 2.0.0-4
>node-which all 2.0.2-1
>node-shebang-regex all 2.0.0-1
>node-shebang-command all 1.2.0-1
>node-cross-spawn all 5.1.0-2
>node-get-stream all 3.0.0-1
>node-is-stream all 1.1.0-1
>node-npm-run-path all 2.0.2-2
>node-p-finally all 1.0.0-2
>node-signal-exit all 3.0.2-1
>node-strip-eof all 1.0.0-2
>node-execa all 0.10.0+dfsg-1
>node-invert-kv all 1.0.0-1
>node-lcid all 1.0.0-1
>node-os-locale all 2.0.0-1
>node-y18n all 4.0.0-2
>node-camelcase all 5.3.1-1
>node-yargs-parser all 16.1.0-1
>node-p-limit all 1.1.0-1
>node-p-locate all 2.0.0-1
>node-path-exists all 4.0.0-2
>node-locate-path all 5.0.0-2
>node-find-up all 4.1.0-2
>node-yargs all 15.1.0-1
>mocha all 6.2.0+ds1-5
>node-type-check all 0.3.2+dfsg-2
>node-levn all 0.3.0+dfsg-2
>node-fast-levenshtein all 2.0.5-1
>node-optionator all 0.8.3+dfsg-1
>node-xtend all 4.0.2-1
>node-ansi-escapes all 4.3.0-2
>node-util all 0.10.3-2
>node-assert all 1.4.1-1
>node-time-zone all 1.0.0-2
>node-date-time all 2.1.0-1
>node-estraverse all 4.2.0-1
>node-esutils all 2.0.2-1
>node-escodegen all 1.11.0+dfsg-1
>node-hash.js all 1.1.7-1
>node-immutable all 3.8.2+dfsg-3
>node-is-reference all 1.1.4-1
>node-locate-character all 2.0.1-6
>node-vlq all 1.0.1-3
>node-sourcemap-codec all 1.4.5-2
>node-magic-string all 0.25.4-3
>node-minimist all 1.2.0-1
>node-parse-ms all 1.0.1-2
>node-pretty-bytes all 5.3.0-1
>node-pretty-ms all 3.2.0-1
>node-require-relative all 0.8.7-2
>node-semver all 7.1.1-2
> - Jonas

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