[Pkg-javascript-devel] Help with MUT needed

merkys at debian.org merkys at debian.org
Thu Jul 9 08:57:15 BST 2020


I am trying to package git HEAD for node-node-sass [1]. However, I
cannot get the MUT update right [2]. I have tried 'gbp import-orig
--pristine-tar --uscan', but when I use gbp to build the package, I get:

dpkg-source: error: aborting due to unexpected upstream changes, see
dpkg-source: info: you can integrate the local changes with dpkg-source
dpkg-buildpackage: error: dpkg-source -i -I -b . subprocess returned
exit status 2
debuild: fatal error at line 1182:
dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -ui -i -I failed

I used to see similar errors before when I forgot to add new entry to
d/changelog, but this is not the case now. Could someone experienced
with MUT help me with this? I have pushed my changes to d/watch and
d/copyright to a branch on salsa [3].

[1] https://salsa.debian.org/js-team/node-node-sass


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