[Pkg-javascript-devel] RFS: bootsidemenu.js and node-nouislider

Doug Torrance dtorrance at piedmont.edu
Sun Jun 7 13:27:44 BST 2020


(Apologies if you get this email twice.  I originally sent it several
days ago before I joined the list, and it doesn't appear to have gone
through the moderation process yet.)

I've recently packaged two Javascript libraries, and I'm hoping
someone would be available to review them, sponsor an upload, and copy
the repository to js-team in Salsa.  They are:


* Salsa repo: https://salsa.debian.org/dtorrance/bootsidemenu.js
* ITP bug: https://bugs.debian.org/960097
* Note that although an earlier version is available through npm
(https://www.npmjs.com/package/BootSideMenu), it's pretty broken from
a node standpoint.  Even the basic "require" test fails, as
package.json points to an html file.  So for now, it's just a browser
libjs-* package.


* Salsa repo: https://salsa.debian.org/dtorrance/node-nouislider
* ITP bug: https://bugs.debian.org/960618
* Upstream's test suite uses blanket.js and QUnit in the browser, so
it didn't really seem possible to incorporate that into the
pkg-js-tools tests.  There's no "test" field in package.json, either.
So right now the only test is the default "require" one.  That throws
a "pkg-js-tools-test-is-missing" Lintian warning, of course, but based
on the language of that warning's description, it seems like I
shouldn't override it.
* Right now, I have symlinks in /usr/share/javascript pointing to the
corresponding /usr/share/nodejs files all together in the same
package.  I saw this in another package (node-clipboard), and it seems
easier than having separate node-* and libjs-* packages as outlined in
https://wiki.debian.org/Javascript/Policy.  Is this okay?


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