[Pkg-javascript-devel] possible to package corona-cli for debian ?

shirish शिरीष shirishag75 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 17:18:36 GMT 2020

Dear all,

Please CC me if somebody responds.

Would it be possible to package corona-cli for Debian.

The package lives at https://registry.npmjs.org/corona-cli

I could have installed it via instructions given at [1] . It would be
a handy tool to have stats, about the disease on the CLI itself.

Looking forward to know if it's possible. You can find the original
github page at [2]

There are some dependencies which might need fixing though.

For e.g -

1. node-chalk which is at version 2.4.2 it needs version 3.0.0

2. node-cli-table which is at version 0.3.1-1 needs to be
node-cli-table3 - version 0.5.1

3. node-mow which is at version 3.7.0-1 needs to be at version 6.1.0

and packaging of few packages -

1. comma-number - https://registry.npmjs.org/comma-number

2. country-emoji  - https://registry.npmjs.org/country-emoji

I want to run this by people before to know if people are interested
to package it before filing a wnpp.

Please let me know if there is interest. I can help with testing on
(Debian testing) :)

1. https://www.ostechnix.com/track-coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-statistics-from-commandline/

2. https://github.com/ahmadawais/corona-cli

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0

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