[Pkg-javascript-devel] New uscan features

Xavier yadd at debian.org
Fri Mar 27 13:15:25 GMT 2020

Le 27/03/2020 à 14:09, Jonas Smedegaard a écrit :
> Quoting Jonas Smedegaard (2020-03-27 14:00:46)
>> Quoting Xavier (2020-03-27 13:49:08)
>>> Hi all,
>>> if you want to test new uscan (not yet accepted and released), I
>>> compiled it here: https://people.debian.org/~yadd/devscripts/
>>> To use it, change your debian/watch like this
>>>  * main package should be "group"
>>>  * each components should have in their "opts":
>>>     component=foo,ctype=nodejs
>>>  * each component should be "ckecksum" instead of "group"
>>> See [1] for an example
>>> Explanation:
>>>  * checksum avoid having long versions (ie 1.0+~2.1+~0.1+~...) but
>>>    groups all component in a checksum: 1.0+~cs12.4.32
>>>  * ctype=nodejs permits to read current component version in
>>>    package.json since it is no more available in long version
>>> You can update or repack using `uscan --download-current-version`: a new
>>> version is built using the same components.
>>> That's exactly what I did to repack acorn from
>>> 6.2.1+ds+~0.4.0+~4.0.0+really4.0.0+~1.0.0+~5.0.1+ds+~1.7.0+ds+~0.1.1+~0.3.1+~0.2.0+~0.1.0+~0.3.0+~0.3.0-14
>>> to 6.2.1+ds+~cs11.24.3-1 (nothing else than updating debian/watch and
>>> launch uscan)
>> It is great work you do here, but...
>> Can you *please* not release *experiments* into unstable!
>> https://tracker.debian.org/news/1112776/accepted-acorn-621dscs11243-1-source-into-unstable/
> @Bastien Roucariès: I see now that it was you doing above release.
> Sorry, Xavier, for aiming my complaint that the wrong person before.

Since acorn is outdated, we can overwrite that in next update easily if
uscan changes are modified before release. The only problem for now is
that debci-uscan will report an error but it detects new version anyway.

The good news is that acorn update will unlock the big migration
(rollup*, buble*,...) \o/

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