[Pkg-javascript-devel] [RFS] node-redux

Nilesh Patra npatra974 at gmail.com
Mon May 11 17:07:09 BST 2020

On Mon, 11 May 2020, 21:30 Nicolas Mora, <nicolas at babelouest.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> Le 20-05-11 à 01 h 14, Xavier a écrit :
> >
> > at least you should:
> >  * remove dependency to node-babel-preset-env
> >  * update homepage to https://redux.js.org/ (reported by `duck`)
> >  * Add "Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-nodejs" and remove
> >    debian/tests/control & debian/tests/require
> >
> All done, thanks
> But I've realized an issue with symbol-observable, the packages.json
> requires symbol-observable 1.2, but the version packaged in debian sid
> is 1.0.4.
> I can't run redux tests because they use eslint and jest but the package
> builds successfully with Debian package node-synbol-observable 1.0.4.

You can ignore eslint tests, as they are lint tests that upstream needs,
and it doesn't require us to run them.

Node-jest has been packaged for Debian, you can go ahead with running tests
needing jest.

_Maybe_ you can try running these, if the work OK ofcourse.

> I wanted to check if redux 4.0.5 would build and tests succeed with
> symbol-observable 1.0.4 and I have the following result.
> If I untar the official package redux 4.0.5, replace the
> symbol-observable version in package.json with 1.0.4, then run the build
> or the tests, they fail with the following error message:
> Error: 'default' is not exported by node_modules/symbol-observable/index.js

Skip tests if they don't look compatible due to version constraints.
Or try upgrading the version ensuring that you don't break anything else.

> The good new is redux will drop symbol-observable in the next version.
> The bad new is new unpackaged dependencies such as
> rollup-plugin-typescript2 are introduced...
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