[Pkg-javascript-devel] Archive rebuilds as a service

Xavier yadd at debian.org
Tue Oct 13 16:30:29 BST 2020

Le 13/10/2020 à 17:17, Lucas Nussbaum a écrit :
> Hi,
> FYI:
> I'm able to run archive rebuilds on a quite regular basis. I do that to
> find (and file) FTBFS bugs, but it's also possible to test candidate
> changes in Debian (for example, new versions of compilers, interpreters,
> or other packages that are common build-depends).
> If that's useful for you or your team, please get in touch with me.


I think this is very interesting for JS Team

> I'll ask you to provide:
> 1) a script that customizes a chroot. Examples are available at:
> https://salsa.debian.org/lucas/collab-qa-tools/-/tree/master/modes

I think we don't need anything special

> 2) a list of source packages to test-build. (if there are many of them
> and if it's not trivial to determine the exact set of packages to
> test-build, building all of unstable is of course possible)

At least, packages to test are all that build-depends on a JS builder
like node-babel7, node-buble, grunt, gulp, rollup or webpack

> I usually factor a few of those rebuilds together, so you might have to
> wait a few weeks. There's some manual process involved, so please also
> provide a small explanation of why that's useful.

Many thanks!


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