[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#1000739: Missing parts of upstream
yadd at debian.org
Sat Dec 25 08:00:39 GMT 2021
On 24/12/2021 22:48, Julien Puydt wrote:
> Hi,
> Le vendredi 24 décembre 2021 à 19:00 +0100, Yadd a écrit :
>> you were wrong in your fix: you wanted
>> mdn-browser-compat-data/html/global_attributes.json which is provided
>> by mdn-browser-compat-data module (not packaged).
>> The new @mdn/browser-compat-data provides just one data.json. I think
>> we should revert your change and you should patch your package to use
>> @mdn/browser-compat-data/data.json#global_attribute instead of
>> mdn-browser-compat-data/html/global_attributes.json
> Why are you claiming this module isn't packaged... in a bug report
> about its packaging?
Try `npm i @mdn/browser-compat-data`, you'll see that I'm right
> Its debian/install file didn't list much, so I completed it, and it
> gave the other package I worked on what it wanted, just like it wanted,
> no patch necessary -- so I fail to see what's wrong here.
This files are source files, build produces the npm package in built/
> I just had a look, and uscan says there's a new 4.1.2 version out,
> where I see html/global_attributes.json is still there.
Yes, it's a source file, upstream does not integrate it in published
package because it's a duplication.
Here is the patch to apply to old packages:
< foo = require("mdn-browser-compat-data/html/global_attributes.json")
> foo = require("@mdn/browser-compat-data/data.json").global_attributes
> Are we looking at the same thing? I have:
> $ git remote -v
> origin https://salsa.debian.org/js-team/node-mdn-browser-compat-data
> (fetch)
> origin https://salsa.debian.org/js-team/node-mdn-browser-compat-data
> (push)
Like @rollup/plugin-xxx. "@" and "/" are not allowed in Debian package
name. So we have to drop them. Look at package.json#name. This package
is @mdn/browser-compat-data, not mdn-browser-compat-data
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