[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#979383: npm update -g error: no such file or directory, scandir '/usr/local/lib/node_modules'

Bart bartjoy at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 22:58:37 GMT 2021

Package: npm
Version: 7.3.0+ds-2
Severity: normal
X-Debbugs-Cc: bartjoy at gmail.com

Dear Maintainer,

I am unable to run `npm update -g` on a newly built container based on

Instead, I get the following error:

 > [4/4] RUN npm update -g:
#7 0.804 npm ERR! code ENOENT
#7 0.804 npm ERR! syscall scandir
#7 0.804 npm ERR! path /usr/local/lib/node_modules
#7 0.804 npm ERR! errno -2
#7 0.805 npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir '/usr/local/lib/node_modules'
#7 0.805 npm ERR! enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file.
#7 0.805 npm ERR! enoent
#7 0.817
#7 0.817 npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
#7 0.817 npm ERR!     /root/.npm/_logs/2021-01-05T22_38_24_940Z-debug.log

Steps to reproduce:

Create the following Dockerfile:
FROM debian:testing at sha256:8169043352db303b39fd9b6daa39ad3d5ea994c94bb9c0cdf56d97144858434c
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y npm
RUN npm update -g

Then run `docker build .`

Note that I have not attempted to reproduce the problem on a full VM
install, and presume that the same bug would be present.

Expected output:

 > npm update -g

up to date, audited 1 package in 377ms

found 0 vulnerabilities

-- System Information:
Debian Release: bullseye/sid
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 5.9.0-5-amd64 (SMP w/8 CPU threads)
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8), LANGUAGE not set
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Init: unable to detect

Versions of packages npm depends on:
ii  ca-certificates                 20200601
ii  node-abbrev                     1.1.1-2
ii  node-agent-base                 6.0.2-1
ii  node-ajv                        6.12.6-2
ii  node-ansi                       0.3.1-1
ii  node-ansi-regex                 5.0.0-1
ii  node-ansi-styles                4.2.1-1
ii  node-ansistyles                 0.1.3-2
ii  node-aproba                     2.0.0-1
ii  node-archy                      1.0.0-3
ii  node-are-we-there-yet           1.1.5-1
ii  node-asap                       2.0.6-2
ii  node-asn1                       0.2.3-2
ii  node-assert-plus                1.0.0-2
ii  node-asynckit                   0.4.0-3
ii  node-aws-sign2                  0.7.1-2
ii  node-aws4                       1.11.0-1
ii  node-balanced-match             1.0.0-1
ii  node-bcrypt-pbkdf               1.0.2-1
ii  node-brace-expansion            2.0.0-1
ii  node-builtins                   1.0.3-2
ii  node-cacache                    15.0.5+~cs13.9.21-1
ii  node-caseless                   0.12.1-1
ii  node-chalk                      4.1.0-1
ii  node-chownr                     1.1.3-5
ii  node-clone                      2.1.2-2
ii  node-color-convert              1.9.3-1
ii  node-color-name                 1.1.4+~1.1.1-1
ii  node-colors                     1.4.0-1
ii  node-columnify                  1.5.4-3
ii  node-combined-stream            1.0.8-1
ii  node-concat-map                 0.0.1-2
ii  node-console-control-strings    1.1.0-2
ii  node-core-util-is               1.0.2-2
ii  node-dashdash                   2.0.0-1
ii  node-debug                      4.3.1+~cs4.1.5-1
ii  node-defaults                   1.0.3-2
ii  node-delayed-stream             1.0.0-4
ii  node-delegates                  1.0.0-2
ii  node-depd                       2.0.0-1
ii  node-ecc-jsbn                   0.2.0-2
ii  node-encoding                   0.1.13-1
ii  node-err-code                   2.0.3+dfsg-1
ii  node-extend                     3.0.2-1
ii  node-extsprintf                 1.4.0-1
ii  node-fast-deep-equal            3.1.3-1
ii  node-forever-agent              0.6.1-2
ii  node-form-data                  3.0.0-2
ii  node-fs.realpath                1.0.0-1.1
ii  node-function-bind              1.1.1+repack-1
ii  node-gauge                      2.7.4-1.1
ii  node-getpass                    0.1.7-1.1
ii  node-glob                       7.1.6+~7.1.3-1
ii  node-graceful-fs                4.2.4+repack-1
ii  node-gyp                        7.1.2-2
ii  node-har-schema                 2.0.0-4
ii  node-har-validator              5.1.5-1
ii  node-has-flag                   4.0.0-1
ii  node-http-signature             1.3.5-1
ii  node-https-proxy-agent          5.0.0-2
ii  node-iconv-lite                 0.5.1-3
ii  node-imurmurhash                0.1.4-1.1
ii  node-indent-string              4.0.0-1
ii  node-inflight                   1.0.6-1.1
ii  node-inherits                   2.0.4-1
ii  node-ini                        2.0.0-1
ii  node-ip                         1.1.5-5
ii  node-ip-regex                   4.1.0-2
ii  node-is-typedarray              1.0.0-3
ii  node-isarray                    2.0.5-1
ii  node-isexe                      2.0.0-4
ii  node-isstream                   0.1.2+dfsg-1.1
ii  node-jsbn                       1.1.0-1.1
ii  node-json-parse-better-errors   1.0.2+~2.3.1-1
ii  node-json-schema                0.2.3-1.1
ii  node-json-schema-traverse       1.0.0-2
ii  node-json-stable-stringify      1.0.1+~cs5.1.32-1
ii  node-json-stringify-safe        5.0.1+repack-3
ii  node-jsonparse                  1.3.1-7
ii  node-jsonstream                 1.3.5-1
ii  node-jsprim                     2.0.0-1
ii  node-leven                      3.1.0+~cs1.1.1-1
ii  node-lockfile                   1.0.4-3
ii  node-mime                       2.4.7+dfsg+~cs3.90.0-1
ii  node-mime-types                 2.1.27-1
ii  node-minimatch                  3.0.4+~3.0.3-1
ii  node-mkdirp                     1.0.4-3
ii  node-ms                         2.1.3+~cs0.7.31-1
ii  node-mute-stream                0.0.8-2
ii  node-nopt                       5.0.0-1
ii  node-normalize-package-data     3.0.0+~2.4.0-1
ii  node-npm-bundled                1.1.1-1
ii  node-npm-package-arg            8.1.0-1
ii  node-npmlog                     4.1.2-2
ii  node-number-is-nan              2.0.0-1
ii  node-oauth-sign                 0.9.0-2
ii  node-object-assign              4.1.1-3
ii  node-opener                     1.5.2-1
ii  node-p-map                      4.0.0-1
ii  node-path-is-absolute           2.0.0-1
ii  node-performance-now            2.1.0+debian-1.1
ii  node-process-nextick-args       2.0.0-1
ii  node-promise-retry              2.0.1-1
ii  node-promzard                   0.3.0-1.1
ii  node-psl                        1.8.0+ds-4
ii  node-puka                       1.0.1+dfsg-1
ii  node-punycode                   2.1.1-3
ii  node-qs                         6.9.4+ds-1
ii  node-read                       1.0.7-2
ii  node-read-package-json          3.0.0-1
ii  node-readable-stream            3.4.0-2
ii  node-resolve                    1.19.0+~cs5.20.8-2
ii  node-resolve-from               4.0.0-1
ii  node-retry                      0.12.0-1
ii  node-rimraf                     3.0.2-1
ii  node-safe-buffer                5.2.1+~cs2.1.2-1
ii  node-semver                     7.3.4-1
ii  node-set-blocking               2.0.0-1.1
ii  node-signal-exit                3.0.3-1
ii  node-slash                      3.0.0-1
ii  node-spdx-correct               3.1.1-1
ii  node-spdx-exceptions            2.3.0-1
ii  node-spdx-expression-parse      3.0.1-1
ii  node-spdx-license-ids           3.0.7-1
ii  node-sshpk                      1.16.1+dfsg-2
ii  node-ssri                       8.0.0-1
ii  node-string-decoder             1.3.0-1
ii  node-string-width               4.2.0-1
ii  node-strip-ansi                 6.0.0-2
ii  node-supports-color             8.1.0+~7.2.0-1
ii  node-tar                        6.0.5+ds1-2
ii  node-text-table                 0.2.0-2
ii  node-tunnel-agent               0.6.1-2
ii  node-tweetnacl                  1.0.3+dfsg-1
ii  node-typedarray-to-buffer       4.0.0-1
ii  node-uri-js                     4.4.0+dfsg-5
ii  node-util-deprecate             1.0.2-1
ii  node-uuid                       8.3.2+~8.3.0-3
ii  node-validate-npm-package-name  3.0.0-1.1
ii  node-verror                     1.10.0-1.1
ii  node-wcwidth.js                 1.0.0-1.1
ii  node-which                      2.0.2-2
ii  node-wide-align                 1.1.3-1
ii  node-wrappy                     1.0.2-1.1
ii  node-write-file-atomic          3.0.3+~3.0.1-1
ii  node-yallist                    4.0.0-1
ii  nodejs                          12.19.0~dfsg-1

Versions of packages npm recommends:
ii  git  1:2.29.2-1

npm suggests no packages.

-- no debconf information

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