[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#979996: libjs-jquery: please use the default extension for precompressed brotli files

Guilhem Moulin guilhem at debian.org
Tue Jan 12 21:50:35 GMT 2021

On Tue, 12 Jan 2021 at 21:50:19 +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>> br is the ISO 639-1 code for the breton language but I guess that's 
>> not what you mean (application/ecmascript, text/x-perl or video/gl 
>> don't conflict with the language codes for Spanish, Polish or Galician 
>> right)?  After quick search I was unable to find an official 
>> registration for the .br file suffix.
> As I recall, the "officiality" of it is tied to that ISO 639-1 and some 
> W3C definitions (but might just be recommendations, and might just be 
> Apache2 practise).

I'm rather suprised by this, matching the 184 ISO 639-1 codes against a
stock mime.types from media-types 3.0.0 I find 23 conflicts (16 if we
exclude the /x- MIME types):

  cu Church Slavic    | application/cu-seeme                        cu
  es Spanish          | application/ecmascript                      es
  nb Norwegian Bokmål | application/mathematica                     nb ma mb nbp
  ps Pushto           | application/postscript                      ps ai eps epsi epsf eps2 eps3
  sc Sardinian        | application/vnd.ibm.secure-container        sc
  st Southern Sotho   | application/vnd.sailingtracker.track        st
  sr Serbian          | application/vnd.sigrok.session              sr
  pt Portuguese       | application/vnd.snesdev-page-table          ptrom pt
  fo Faroese          | application/vnd.software602.filler.form+xml fo
  sm Samoan           | application/vnd.stepmania.stepchart         sm
  ms Malay            | application/x-troff-ms                      ms
  rm Romansh          | audio/x-pn-realaudio                        ra rm ram
  sd Sindhi           | chemical/x-mdl-sdfile                       sd sdf
  sw Swahili          | chemical/x-swissprot                        sw
  tr Turkish          | text/troff                                  t tr roff
  gv Manx             | text/vnd.graphviz                           gv dot
  ts Tsonga           | text/vnd.trolltech.linguist                 ts
  si Sinhala          | text/vnd.wap.si                             si
  sl Slovenian        | text/vnd.wap.sl                             sl
  pl Polish           | text/x-perl                                 pl pm
  tk Turkmen          | text/x-tcl                                  tcl tk
  dv Divehi           | video/dv                                    dif dv
  gl Galician         | video/gl                                    gl

HTTP daemons may ignore our /etc/mime.types, but as of nginx 1.18.0-6
from sid the default config has conflicts for

  ps Pushto | application/postscript ps ai eps epsi epsf eps2 eps3
  pl Polish | text/x-perl            pl pm

AFAICT Debian's apache uses /etc/mime.types by default (so the above
applies), but docs/conf/mime.types from the source tree has conflicts

  cu Church Slavic    | application/cu-seeme                 cu
  nb Norwegian Bokmål | application/mathematica              nb ma mb
  so Somali           | application/octet-stream             bin dms lrf mar so dist distz pkg bpk dump elc deploy
  ps Pushto           | application/postscript               ai eps ps
  sc Sardinian        | application/vnd.ibm.secure-container sc
  rm Romansh          | application/vnd.rn-realmedia         rm
  st Southern Sotho   | application/vnd.sailingtracker.track st
  sm Samoan           | application/vnd.stepmania.stepchart  sm
  tr Turkish          | text/troff                           t tr roff man me ms
  gv Manx             | text/vnd.graphviz                    gv

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