[Pkg-javascript-devel] Typescript and Debian directories
yadd at debian.org
Wed May 5 12:01:43 BST 2021
Le 05/05/2021 à 12:38, Jérémy Lal a écrit :
> Le mer. 5 mai 2021 à 12:29, Jonas Smedegaard <jonas at jones.dk
> <mailto:jonas at jones.dk>> a écrit :
> Quoting Jérémy Lal (2021-05-05 11:04:07)
> > Hello, i'm all right patching typescript, but that would mean local
> > installs of typescript
> > wouldn't find the modules anyway.
> > So... do you know if a local user install of typescript is going
> to want to
> > discover global modules ?
> > If not, then it's okay to patch typescript and i think i can do it...
> If possible to patch Typescript into supporting shared resources, then
> that would certainly be the best approach, I think.
> Seems upstream fails to understand the value of supporting shared
> resources. If we can reasonably maintain a patch to do it locally in
> Debian, then it would ease both building and using Typescript in Debian
> now, and be an offer for upstream to adopt if they change their minds.
> Patching Debian to include magic path names easing local building by
> tricking the tools into seeing shared resources as being local sounds
> bad to me: Upstream is then deliberately being tricked into working in
> ways unsupported upstream, and while we only care about using it for
> build routines we expose it to our users as well, which might cause
> side-effects for them that then noone have any attention towards.
> If we cannot (or will not) maintain a general deviation of
> Typescript to
> support shared resources, then we should contain tricks to only affect
> build environment, not "leak" into our user-facing environments (if
> possible).
> Great that you tried, Yadd. Great if you can succeed, Jérémy :-)
Thanks and sorry to not succeed here. Typescript source code seems not
easy to hack
> That's probably the same issue with nodejs indeed.
> Nodejs tries local first, then falls back to global if any.
Not really the same issue: node_modules search is hardcoded in
Typescript and it doesn't ask its paths to Node.js
> However i'm concerned that if i patch typescript, module resolution in
> developer
> tools (linters...) will fail too.
> So maybe not patching as Yadd suggests is safer and won't disrupt any
> workflow.
> Jérémy
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