[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#1003039: Bug#1003039: node-terser: Please update node-commander dependency to version 8

Yadd yadd at debian.org
Sun Feb 6 12:18:10 GMT 2022

On 06/02/2022 12:35, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Hi Yadd,
> Quoting Yadd (2022-01-03 08:08:31)
>> node-commander 8 changed option parsing. Here is a proposed patch to
>> be used in replacement of 1001_use_commander_4.patch
> Thanks for the patch!
> If I understand correctly, the patch is not backwards-compatible with
> node-commander currently in Debian unstable/testing.  I will therefore
> do nothing until node-commander enters unstable.


Thanks to look at this. Yes, we have to coordinate this because I have 
to add a 'Breaks: node-terser (<< XXX)'

I think the same patch should be applied to uglifyjs

> If I am mistaken, or am missing other options, then please help
> enlighten me. :-)
> Btw, sorry for wrongly including this unrelated bugreport in a request
> for help upgrading terser.

Best regards,

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