[Pkg-javascript-devel] RFH: puppeteer tests

Andrius Merkys merkys at debian.org
Fri Jan 14 07:09:32 GMT 2022


Martina and I have been working on packaging puppeteer, an API to
control Chrome over the DevTools Protocol. Martina got the package
building on sbuild, but we are stuck with tests. Most likely the blocker
is incorrect combination of extcopies/extlinks, but we are not able to
sort it out ourselves. Thus we would be very grateful if someone more
experienced could give it a look.

Packaging of puppeteer is on salsa [1], be sure to use 'run-tests'
branch, as 'master' has tests disabled.

puppeteer depends on devtools-protocol (in NEW). It has to be built from
salsa [2] too, branch 'package-v0.0.869402', as I uploaded an earlier
version to NEW.

Bonus issue is de-vendoring of mitt, which is used for puppeteer tests.
In turn, mitt depends on esm, and this seems nontrivial to package.
However, most likely it has to be done sooner or later, just to be able
to run puppeteer tests.

[1] https://salsa.debian.org/js-team/node-puppeteer
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/js-team/node-devtools-protocol

Thanks in advance,

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