[Pkg-javascript-devel] pkg-js-tools news

Yadd yadd at debian.org
Mon Mar 14 14:45:23 GMT 2022

Le Lundi, Mars 14, 2022 15:07 CET, Jonas Smedegaard <jonas at jones.dk> a écrit: 
> Quoting Yadd (2022-03-14 08:41:44)
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > pkg-js-tools 0.13.0 improve pkgjs-depends and add a new 
> > dh_nodejs_autodocs tool (to automatically install components 
> > documentation: @rouca, this is for you ;-))
> > 
> > Here is the result of new "-c" option (display mismatch versions)
> > 
> > $ pkgjs-depends -c ava
> Using option -c requires apt-file.  This should probably grow a 
> Recommends: for the package, or at least a Suggests: and a notice in 
> long description.
> That option -c fails unless mismatching packages are installed.

It shouldn't, could you share some logs ?

> I suggest to at least mention that constraint in man page, or 
> (obviously) avoid that constraint if possible.
> Even without the option -c it takes extremely long time for big projects 
> - I gave up after a few hours trying this command:
>   pkgjs-depends @solid/community-server
> Maybe use Progress::Any::Output::TermProgressBarColor to enhance user 
> experience?

I'm going to take a look at this.

> Maybe processing time could be drastically faster by bypassing apt-file: 
> Essentially it does a grep on packaging files, so replacing 1000 calls 
> to apt-file which does 1000 calls to grep is likely far more efficiently 
> done by loading packaging files once and grepping internally in perl.

Sure, will do that

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