[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#1007267: Bug#1007267: node-eslint-scope: FTBFS while updating with webpack5: Error: Invalid webpack options

Jonas Smedegaard jonas at jones.dk
Tue Mar 15 08:01:46 GMT 2022

Hi Ayoyimika,

Quoting Ayoyimika Ajibade (2022-03-15 08:20:26)
> Source: node-eslint-scope
> Version:  7.1.1
> dh_auto_test: error: /bin/sh -ex debian/tests/pkg-js/test returned 
> exit code 2

The version number you report is an upstream version, not a Debian 
package version, and I don't recognize the test failing as being the 
test from the Debian package.

If you are bypassing official Debian packaging then please state that 
clearly (and sorry if you did and I simply missed it).

If you are using official Debian package, then please use the Debian 
version number.

> so i decided to fix the error and also update node-eslint-scope, While 
> updating node-eslint-scope from version 5.1.1 to 7.1.1

Uhm, I am confused here.  Are you aware that upstream version 7.1.1 is 
in Debian unstable since February 28th?

Also, Yadd fixed a bug in the autopkgtest causing two tests to fail, and 
I issued another release today with that fix.  Perhaps that addresses 
the issue you are reporting here?

I have only read your bugreport briefly: I have difficulty making sense 
of it - there seems to be a lot of debug output and little context, and 
the context I noticed was confusing to me, as mentioned above. :-(

Kind regards,

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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