[Pkg-javascript-devel] New tool: pkgjs-install

Yadd yadd at debian.org
Sun May 8 08:20:35 BST 2022

Hi all,

pkg-js-tools 0.14.20 provides a new tool: pkgjs-install. It works like 
`npm install` but downloads only JS modules not available in Debian.

  -h, --help
  -v, --version
  --install: launch install-command if some Debian packages are missing
  --ignore: ignore missing Debian packages
  --install-command: command to install mising packages. Default:
                     "--install-command 'sudo apt install'"
  --no-link: don't link JS modules from Debian directories
  --regenerate: force package-lock.json regeneration

  - --strict mode: download JS module available in Debian if version
                   mismatch (using semver)

Note: it is not usable with a JS module as argument. To install a Debian 
JS module into node_modules, use `pkgjs-ln foo`

Feel free to tell me what you think and open BTS if you find any bugs to 
fix or improvements to make ;-)


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