[Pkg-javascript-devel] request to join the JS team

Yadd yadd at debian.org
Thu May 12 09:40:53 BST 2022

On 12/05/2022 09:08, Jérémy Lal wrote:
> Le jeu. 12 mai 2022 à 08:50, Philip Hands <phil at hands.com 
> <mailto:phil at hands.com>> a écrit :
>     Hi,
>     I maintain openQA, which recently gained a dependency on (the currently
>     unpackaged) shepherd.js.
>     I therefore need to package that, and it seems that the right way to
>     proceed is as part of the JS team, hence this request.
>     I've already requested to join the Salsa group, and had a good look at
>     the wiki pages about this stuff -- is there anything else I need to do?
>     BTW If I need to ask newbie questions about packaging JS pacakges,
>     where's the best place to do that: here, #debian-js, or somewhere else?
> shepherd.js depends on a lot of packages, some of them might need to be 
> bundled.
> In any case, please don't bundle:
> - tailwindcss
> - svelte

Build depends on google-closure-compiler which is hard to package. Below 
a (filtered) output of `pkgjs-depends --dev shepherd.js`


   ava (ava)
   chai (chai)
   eslint (eslint)
   mocha (log-symbols)
   node-acorn (acorn, acorn-walk)
   node-agent-base (agent-base)
   node-ampproject-remapping (@ampproject/remapping)
   node-ansi-escapes (ansi-escapes)
   node-ansi-styles (ansi-styles)
   node-arg (arg)
   node-argv (argv)
   node-arr-union (arr-union)
   node-array-find-index (array-find-index)
   node-ast-types (ast-types)
   node-async (async)
   node-autoprefixer (autoprefixer)
   node-aws-sign2 (aws-sign2)
   node-aws4 (aws4)
   node-axios (axios)
   node-babel7-runtime (@babel/runtime)
   node-babylon (babylon)
   node-basic-auth (basic-auth)
   node-bluebird (bluebird)
   node-boxen (boxen)
   node-brotli-size (brotli-size)
   node-browserslist (browserslist)
   node-buffer (buffer)
   node-buffer-crc32 (buffer-crc32)
   node-builtin-modules (builtin-modules)
   node-builtins (builtins)
   node-cacache (cacache)
   node-caniuse-api (caniuse-api)
   node-caseless (caseless)
   node-chalk (chalk)
   node-character-parser (character-parser)
   node-chokidar (chokidar)
   node-ci-info (ci-info)
   node-cli-cursor (cli-cursor)
   node-cli-table (cli-table3)
   node-cli-truncate (cli-truncate)
   node-color-name (color-name)
   node-colors (colors)
   node-combined-stream (combined-stream)
   node-commander (commander)
   node-compare-versions (compare-versions)
   node-concat-with-sourcemaps (concat-with-sourcemaps)
   node-concordance (fast-diff)
   node-configstore (configstore)
   node-constantinople (constantinople)
   node-core-js (core-js)
   node-cosmiconfig (cosmiconfig)
   node-css (css)
   node-css-loader (postcss-modules-local-by-default, 
postcss-modules-scope, postcss-selector-parser)
   node-css-select (css-select)
   node-css-tree (css-tree)
   node-debug (@types/debug, debug)
   node-deep-equal (call-bind, es-get-iterator, get-intrinsic, is-string)
   node-deepmerge (deepmerge)
   node-define-properties (define-properties)
   node-del (del)
   node-depd (depd)
   node-detect-indent (detect-indent)
   node-detective (detective)
   node-enquirer (enquirer)
   node-es-abstract (es-abstract)
   node-es6-promise (es6-promise)
   node-escape-string-regexp (escape-string-regexp)
   node-escodegen (escodegen)
   node-eslint-scope (eslint-scope)
   node-eslint-utils (eslint-utils)
   node-eslint-visitor-keys (@types/estree, eslint-visitor-keys)
   node-esprima (esprima)
   node-estree-walker (estree-walker)
   node-esutils (esutils)
   node-eventemitter2 (eventemitter2)
   node-eventemitter3 (eventemitter3)
   node-execa (execa)
   node-extend (extend)
   node-extract-zip (extract-zip)
   node-fetch (node-fetch)
   node-filesize (filesize)
   node-find-up (find-up)
   node-foreground-child (foreground-child)
   node-forever-agent (forever-agent)
   node-form-data (form-data)
   node-fs-extra (@types/fs-extra, fs-extra)
   node-functional-red-black-tree (functional-red-black-tree)
   node-glob (glob)
   node-glob-parent (glob-parent)
   node-globals (globals)
   node-globby (fast-glob, globby)
   node-got (got, http-cache-semantics, normalize-url)
   node-graceful-fs (graceful-fs)
   node-gzip-size (gzip-size)
   node-has-yarn (has-yarn)
   node-he (he)
   node-highlight.js (highlight.js)
   node-hoek (@hapi/hoek)
   node-hosted-git-info (hosted-git-info)
   node-http-proxy (http-proxy)
   node-http-signature (http-signature)
   node-https-proxy-agent (@tootallnate/once, http-proxy-agent, 
   node-icss-replace-symbols (icss-replace-symbols)
   node-ignore (ignore)
   node-immutable (immutable)
   node-import-lazy (import-lazy)
   node-indent-string (indent-string)
   node-ini (ini)
   node-inquirer (figures, inquirer, ora, rxjs)
   node-invariant (invariant)
   node-ip (ip)
   node-is-glob (is-glob)
   node-is-module (is-module)
   node-is-npm (is-npm)
   node-is-obj (is-obj)
   node-is-path-inside (is-path-inside)
   node-is-plain-object (is-plain-object)
   node-is-reference (is-reference)
   node-is-typedarray (is-typedarray)
   node-is-valid-glob (is-valid-glob)
   node-is-windows (@types/is-windows, is-windows)
   node-isstream (isstream)
   node-istanbul (@istanbuljs/schema, istanbul-lib-coverage, 
istanbul-lib-report, istanbul-reports, test-exclude, v8-to-istanbul)
   node-jest-debbundle (dedent, is-ci)
   node-js-tokens (js-tokens)
   node-js-yaml (js-yaml)
   node-jsdom (html-encoding-sniffer, parse5, 
   node-json-schema (@types/json-schema)
   node-json-stringify-safe (json-stringify-safe)
   node-klaw (klaw)
   node-latest-version (latest-version)
   node-lcov-parse (lcov-parse)
   node-less (less)
   node-loader-utils (loader-utils)
   node-lodash (lodash)
   node-lodash-packages (lodash.camelcase, lodash.once)
   node-lru-cache (lru-cache)
   node-magic-string (magic-string)
   node-markdown-it (markdown-it)
   node-marked (marked)
   node-micromatch (micromatch)
   node-mime (mime)
   node-mime-types (mime-types)
   node-minimatch (minimatch)
   node-minimist (minimist)
   node-minipass (minipass, minipass-collect, minipass-fetch, 
minipass-flush, minipass-pipeline)
   node-mkdirp (mkdirp)
   node-moment (moment)
   node-ms (ms)
   node-mz (mz)
   node-negotiator (negotiator)
   node-normalize-path (normalize-path)
   node-npm-run-path (path-key)
   node-object-assign (object-assign)
   node-once (once)
   node-open (open)
   node-opener (opener)
   node-p-map (p-map)
   node-p-timeout (p-timeout)
   node-parse-json (parse-json)
   node-path-root (path-root)
   node-performance-now (performance-now)
   node-picocolors (picocolors)
   node-pify (pify)
   node-pkg-dir (pkg-dir)
   node-platform (platform)
   node-popper2 (@popperjs/core)
   node-postcss (colorette, nanoid, postcss, source-map-js)
   node-postcss-load-config (import-cwd, postcss-load-config)
   node-postcss-modules-extract-imports (postcss-modules-extract-imports)
   node-postcss-modules-values (postcss-modules-values)
   node-postcss-value-parser (postcss-value-parser)
   node-pretty-bytes (pretty-bytes)
   node-progress (progress)
   node-promise-retry (promise-retry)
   node-prompts (kleur)
   node-proxy-from-env (proxy-from-env)
   node-qs (qs)
   node-quick-lru (quick-lru)
   node-raw-body (raw-body)
   node-read-pkg (read-pkg, type-fest)
   node-readable-stream (readable-stream)
   node-redent (redent)
   node-regenerator-runtime (regenerator-runtime)
   node-regexpp (regexpp)
   node-request (request)
   node-require-relative (require-relative)
   node-resolve (@types/resolve, resolve)
   node-resolve-dir (resolve-dir)
   node-retry (retry)
   node-rimraf (rimraf)
   node-rollup-plugin-replace (rollup-plugin-replace)
   node-rollup-pluginutils (rollup-pluginutils)
   node-safe-buffer (safe-buffer)
   node-semver (semver)
   node-semver-diff (semver-diff)
   node-shebang-command (shebang-command)
   node-shell-quote (shell-quote)
   node-shelljs (shelljs)
   node-sinon (@types/sinonjs__fake-timers, sinon)
   node-slash (slash)
   node-slice-ansi (slice-ansi)
   node-source-map (source-map)
   node-source-map-resolve (decode-uri-component)
   node-sourcemap-codec (sourcemap-codec)
   node-spdx-expression-parse (spdx-expression-parse)
   node-ssri (ssri)
   node-stable (stable)
   node-strict-uri-encode (strict-uri-encode)
   node-strip-indent (strip-indent)
   node-strip-json-comments (strip-json-comments)
   node-stylus (stylus)
   node-supports-color (supports-color)
   node-terser (terser)
   node-throttleit (throttleit)
   node-through (through)
   node-tmp (tmp)
   node-to-fast-properties (to-fast-properties)
   node-tough-cookie (tough-cookie)
   node-transformers (jstransformer)
   node-trysound-sax (@trysound/sax)
   node-tslib (tslib)
   node-tunnel-agent (tunnel-agent)
   node-typescript (typescript)
   node-underscore (underscore)
   node-url-join (url-join)
   node-urlgrey (urlgrey)
   node-uuid (@types/uuid, uuid)
   node-vinyl (vinyl)
   node-vinyl-sourcemaps-apply (vinyl-sourcemaps-apply)
   node-which (which)
   node-with (with)
   node-wrap-ansi (wrap-ansi)
   node-ws (ws)
   node-xdg-basedir (xdg-basedir)
   node-yaml (yaml)
   node-yargs (yargs)
   node-yargs-parser (yargs-parser)
   node-yauzl (yauzl)
   nodejs (@types/node)
   npm (pacote)
   rollup (rollup)
   uvu (sade, uvu)
   zx (ps-tree)

shepherd.js at 9.1.0
  └── smoothscroll-polyfill (0.4.4)
  └── @ampproject/rollup-plugin-closure-compiler (0.27.0)
      └── google-closure-compiler (20210808.0.0)
          └── google-closure-compiler-java (20210808.0.0)
          └── google-closure-compiler-linux (20210808.0.0)
          └── google-closure-compiler-osx (20210808.0.0)
          └── google-closure-compiler-windows (20210808.0.0)
      └── @types/acorn (4.0.5)
      └── c8 (7.2.0)
          └── furi (2.0.0)
      └── codecov (3.7.0)
          └── ignore-walk (3.0.3)
          └── teeny-request (6.0.1)
              └── stream-events (1.0.5)
                  └── stubs (3.0.0)
      └── np ()
      └── npm-run-all (4.1.5)
          └── cross-spawn (6.0.5) # BANNED (see 
              └── nice-try (1.0.5)
          └── memorystream (0.3.1)
          └── pidtree (0.3.1)
          └── string.prototype.padend (3.1.3)
      └── prettier (2.0.5)
      └── rollup-plugin-copy (3.3.0)
      └── sirv-cli (1.0.0)
          └── console-clear (1.1.1)
          └── get-port (3.2.0)
          └── local-access (1.1.0)
          └── semiver (1.1.0)
          └── sirv (1.0.19)
              └── @polka/url (1.0.0-next.21)
              └── mrmime (1.0.0)
              └── totalist (1.1.0)
          └── tinydate (1.3.0)
  └── @testing-library/jest-dom (5.16.4)
      └── @types/testing-library__jest-dom (5.14.3)
      └── aria-query (5.0.0)
      └── css.escape (1.5.1)
      └── dom-accessibility-api (0.5.14)
  └── @testing-library/svelte (3.1.1)
      └── @testing-library/dom (8.13.0)
          └── @types/aria-query (4.2.2)
          └── (^) aria-query (5.0.0)
          └── (^) dom-accessibility-api (0.5.14)
          └── lz-string (1.4.4)
# BANNED: replaced by @babel/core
  └── babel-core (7.0.0-bridge.0)
# BANNED: useless with babel7
  └── babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs (6.26.2)
      └── ...
  └── codeclimate-test-reporter (0.5.1)
  └── cssnano (5.1.7)
      └── cssnano-preset-default (5.2.7)
          └── css-declaration-sorter (6.2.2)
          └── cssnano-utils (3.1.0)
          └── postcss-calc (8.2.4)
          └── postcss-colormin (5.3.0)
              └── colord (2.9.2)
          └── postcss-convert-values (5.1.0)
          └── postcss-discard-comments (5.1.1)
          └── postcss-discard-duplicates (5.1.0)
          └── postcss-discard-empty (5.1.1)
          └── postcss-discard-overridden (5.1.0)
          └── postcss-merge-longhand (5.1.4)
              └── stylehacks (5.1.0)
          └── postcss-merge-rules (5.1.1)
              └── (^) cssnano-utils (3.1.0)
          └── postcss-minify-font-values (5.1.0)
          └── postcss-minify-gradients (5.1.1)
              └── (^) colord (2.9.2)
              └── (^) cssnano-utils (3.1.0)
          └── postcss-minify-params (5.1.2)
              └── (^) cssnano-utils (3.1.0)
          └── postcss-minify-selectors (5.2.0)
          └── postcss-normalize-charset (5.1.0)
          └── postcss-normalize-display-values (5.1.0)
          └── postcss-normalize-positions (5.1.0)
          └── postcss-normalize-repeat-style (5.1.0)
          └── postcss-normalize-string (5.1.0)
          └── postcss-normalize-timing-functions (5.1.0)
          └── postcss-normalize-unicode (5.1.0)
          └── postcss-normalize-url (5.1.0)
          └── postcss-normalize-whitespace (5.1.1)
          └── postcss-ordered-values (5.1.1)
              └── (^) cssnano-utils (3.1.0)
          └── postcss-reduce-initial (5.1.0)
          └── postcss-reduce-transforms (5.1.0)
          └── postcss-svgo (5.1.0)
              └── svgo (2.8.0)
                  └── csso (4.2.0)
          └── postcss-unique-selectors (5.1.1)
      └── lilconfig (2.0.5)
  └── cypress (9.6.1)
      └── @cypress/request (2.88.10)
      └── @cypress/xvfb (1.2.4)
      └── arch (2.2.0)
      └── blob-util (2.0.2)
      └── cachedir (2.3.0)
      └── check-more-types (2.24.0)
      └── common-tags (1.8.2)
      └── dayjs (1.11.2)
      └── executable (4.1.1)
      └── getos (3.2.1)
      └── is-installed-globally (0.4.0)
          └── global-dirs (3.0.0)
      └── lazy-ass (1.6.0)
      └── (^) listr2 (2.6.2)
      └── ospath (1.2.2)
      └── request-progress (3.0.0)
      └── untildify (4.0.0)
  └── cypress-plugin-tab (1.0.5)
      └── ally.js (1.4.1)
          └── (^) css.escape (1.5.1)
  └── http-server (14.1.0)
      └── corser (2.0.1)
      └── portfinder (1.0.28)
      └── secure-compare (3.0.1)
      └── union (0.5.0)
  └── jest-expect-message (1.0.2)
  └── jest-transform-css (4.0.1)
      └── (^) common-tags (1.8.2)
      # BANNED (see https://bugs.debian.org/975942)
      └── (^) cross-spawn (6.0.5)
      └── postcss-modules (4.3.1)
          └── generic-names (4.0.0)
          └── string-hash (1.1.3)
      └── style-inject (0.3.0)
  └── jsdoc (3.6.10)
      └── @types/markdown-it (12.2.3)
          └── @types/linkify-it (3.0.2)
          └── @types/mdurl (1.0.2)
      └── catharsis (0.9.0)
      └── js2xmlparser (4.0.2)
          └── xmlcreate (2.0.4)
      └── markdown-it-anchor (8.6.4)
      └── requizzle (0.2.3)
      └── taffydb (2.6.2)
  └── jsdoc-template-ship-shape (0.1.1)
      └── (^) taffydb (2.6.2)
  └── mutationobserver-shim (0.3.7)
  └── postinstall-postinstall (2.1.0)
  └── replace (1.2.1)
  └── rollup-plugin-analyzer (4.0.0) # PROBABLY USELESS
  # BANNED (Replaced by @rollup/plugin-babel)
  └── rollup-plugin-babel (4.4.0)
  # BANNED (Replaced by @rollup/plugin-commonjs)
  └── rollup-plugin-commonjs (10.1.0)
  └── rollup-plugin-filesize (9.1.2)
  └── rollup-plugin-license (2.7.0) # PROBABLY USELESS
      └── commenting (1.1.0)
      └── package-name-regex (2.0.6)
      └── spdx-expression-validate (2.0.0)
      └── spdx-satisfies (5.0.1)
          └── spdx-compare (1.0.0)
              └── spdx-ranges (2.1.1)
          └── (^) spdx-ranges (2.1.1)
  └── rollup-plugin-livereload (2.0.5)
      └── livereload (0.9.3)
          └── livereload-js (3.4.0)
          └── opts (2.0.2)
  # BANNED (Replaced by @rollup/plugin-multi-entry)
  └── rollup-plugin-multi-entry (2.1.0)
      └── matched (1.0.2)
          └── async-array-reduce (0.2.1)
          └── has-glob (1.0.0)
  # BANNED (Replaced by @rollup/plugin-node-resolve)
  └── rollup-plugin-node-resolve (5.2.0)
  └── rollup-plugin-postcss (4.0.2)
      └── (^) cssnano (5.1.7)
      └── p-queue (6.6.2)
      └── (^) postcss-modules (4.3.1)
      └── promise.series (0.2.0)
      └── safe-identifier (0.4.2)
      └── (^) style-inject (0.3.0)
  └── rollup-plugin-scss (3.0.0)
  └── rollup-plugin-serve (1.1.0)
  └── rollup-plugin-svelte (7.1.0)
  └── rollup-plugin-visualizer (5.6.0)
  └── start-server-and-test (1.14.0)
      └── (^) check-more-types (2.24.0)
      └── (^) lazy-ass (1.6.0)
      └── wait-on (6.0.0)
          └── joi (17.6.0)
              └── @hapi/topo (5.1.0)
              └── @sideway/address (4.1.4)
              └── @sideway/formula (3.0.0)
              └── @sideway/pinpoint (2.0.0)
  └── svelte (3.48.0)
  └── svelte-jester (2.3.2)
  └── svelte-preprocess (4.10.6)
      └── @types/pug (2.0.6)
      └── @types/sass (1.43.1)
      └── sorcery (0.10.0)
          └── sander (0.5.1)
  └── tailwindcss (3.0.24)
      └── didyoumean (1.2.2)
      └── dlv (1.1.3)
      └── (^) lilconfig (2.0.5)
      └── object-hash (3.0.0)
      └── postcss-js (4.0.0)
          └── camelcase-css (2.0.1)
      └── postcss-nested (5.0.6)

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