[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#1019291: yarnpkg: depends on incompatible version of commander

Adrien Samson adrien at adriensamson.fr
Thu Nov 10 16:44:28 GMT 2022

Dear maintainer,

I experience a similar issue with yarn and the commander version: command options are ignored.
For example: `yarn add -D typescript` saves the dependency to dependencies instead of devDependencies. The -D is simply ignored.

I've found that you have a patch for commander >= 8 where you replace most occurrences of commander by commanderOpts. It's missing the same replacement on line 306:

--- a/src/cli/index.js
+++ b/src/cli/index.js
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ export async function main({
-    return command.run(config, reporter, commander, commander.args).then(exitCode => {
+    return command.run(config, reporter, commanderOpts, commander.args).then(exitCode => {
       if (shouldWrapOutput) {

This fixes my issue but I can't tell whether it also fixes the original reporter's issue.

Best regards
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