[Pkg-javascript-devel] How to handle js files used in HTML-based packages?

Fab Stz fabstz-it at yahoo.fr
Mon Jul 3 07:48:40 BST 2023

Hello Js team,

I'm packaging kalkun which is a web-based sms manager. It ships with many 
javascript files from different sources.

lintian reports many source-is-missing errors [1] on js files and I'm 
wondering what one is supposed to do with them, whether this is allowed by 

source-is-missing [media/js/Chart.bundle.min.js]
source-is-missing [media/js/autosize-5.0.1.min.js]
source-is-missing [media/js/jquery-3.6.1.min.js]
source-is-missing [media/js/jquery-plugin/jquery.emoticons.min.js]
source-is-missing [media/js/jquery-plugin/jquery.field.min.js]
source-is-missing [media/js/jquery-plugin/jquery.form.min.js]
source-is-missing [media/js/jquery-plugin/jquery.tagsinput-revisited.min.js]
source-is-missing [media/js/jquery-plugin/jquery.validate.min.js]
source-is-missing [media/js/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.js]
source-is-missing [media/js/modernizr.min.js]

For those (namely: jquery, jquery-ui, modernizr, chartjs) which are already 
packaged in Debian I make symbolic links towards them during dpkg-buildpackage 
but keep them in the orig.tar.

For the others (the ones in jquery-plugin dir, and autosize*.js) there is no 
Debian package. Can we upload as is to the archive? Should we add them to 
*jquery-goodies* [2] package? Add the original file to missing-sources?

What is the usual way to handle this? Thank you for your suggestions.

Please keep me in copy of your reply.

[1] https://salsa.debian.org/bastif/kalkun/-/jobs/4389129/raw
[2] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/jquery-goodies


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