[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#1042309: node-buble: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: /bin/sh -ex debian/tests/pkg-js/test returned exit code 1

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at debian.org
Wed Jul 26 21:20:29 BST 2023

Source: node-buble
Version: 0.20.0+~0.20.1-4
Severity: serious
Justification: FTBFS
Tags: trixie sid ftbfs
User: lucas at debian.org
Usertags: ftbfs-20230726 ftbfs-trixie


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on amd64.

Relevant part (hopefully):
> make[1]: Entering directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>'
> set -e;mkdir -p stage1/;cp -r src stage1/;cp -r test stage1/;cp -r bin stage1/;cp package.json stage1/;cp rollup.config.js stage1/;cp rollup.create-config.js stage1/
> cd stage1/ &&  rollup -c
> src/index.js → dist/buble.es.js...
> babelHelpers: 'bundled' option was used by default. It is recommended to configure this option explicitly, read more here: https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/babel#babelhelpers
> created dist/buble.es.js in 2.4s
> src/index.js → dist/buble.cjs.js...
> babelHelpers: 'bundled' option was used by default. It is recommended to configure this option explicitly, read more here: https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/babel#babelhelpers
> created dist/buble.cjs.js in 3.4s
> src/index.js → ./dist/buble-browser.es.js...
> babelHelpers: 'bundled' option was used by default. It is recommended to configure this option explicitly, read more here: https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/babel#babelhelpers
> created ./dist/buble-browser.es.js in 1.4s
> src/index.js → ./dist/buble-browser.cjs.js...
> babelHelpers: 'bundled' option was used by default. It is recommended to configure this option explicitly, read more here: https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/babel#babelhelpers
> created ./dist/buble-browser.cjs.js in 2.9s
> chmod +x stage1//bin/buble
> touch stage1/build.stamp
> set -e;mkdir -p stage2/;cp -r src stage2/;cp -r test stage2/;cp -r bin stage2/;cp package.json stage2/;cp rollup.config.js stage2/;cp rollup.create-config.js stage2/
> mkdir -p stage2//node_modules
> ln -s stage1/ stage2//node_modules/buble
> cd stage2/ &&  rollup -c
> src/index.js → dist/buble.es.js...
> babelHelpers: 'bundled' option was used by default. It is recommended to configure this option explicitly, read more here: https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/babel#babelhelpers
> created dist/buble.es.js in 2.2s
> src/index.js → dist/buble.cjs.js...
> babelHelpers: 'bundled' option was used by default. It is recommended to configure this option explicitly, read more here: https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/babel#babelhelpers
> created dist/buble.cjs.js in 3.3s
> src/index.js → ./dist/buble-browser.es.js...
> babelHelpers: 'bundled' option was used by default. It is recommended to configure this option explicitly, read more here: https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/babel#babelhelpers
> created ./dist/buble-browser.es.js in 1.5s
> src/index.js → ./dist/buble-browser.cjs.js...
> babelHelpers: 'bundled' option was used by default. It is recommended to configure this option explicitly, read more here: https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/babel#babelhelpers
> created ./dist/buble-browser.cjs.js in 3s
> chmod +x stage2//bin/buble
> touch stage2/build.stamp
> set -e;mkdir -p stage3/;cp -r src stage3/;cp -r test stage3/;cp -r bin stage3/;cp package.json stage3/;cp rollup.config.js stage3/;cp rollup.create-config.js stage3/
> mkdir -p stage3//node_modules
> ln -s stage2/ stage3//node_modules/buble
> cd stage3/ &&  rollup -c
> src/index.js → dist/buble.es.js...
> babelHelpers: 'bundled' option was used by default. It is recommended to configure this option explicitly, read more here: https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/babel#babelhelpers
> created dist/buble.es.js in 2.5s
> src/index.js → dist/buble.cjs.js...
> babelHelpers: 'bundled' option was used by default. It is recommended to configure this option explicitly, read more here: https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/babel#babelhelpers
> created dist/buble.cjs.js in 3.4s
> src/index.js → ./dist/buble-browser.es.js...
> babelHelpers: 'bundled' option was used by default. It is recommended to configure this option explicitly, read more here: https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/babel#babelhelpers
> created ./dist/buble-browser.es.js in 1.6s
> src/index.js → ./dist/buble-browser.cjs.js...
> babelHelpers: 'bundled' option was used by default. It is recommended to configure this option explicitly, read more here: https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/babel#babelhelpers
> created ./dist/buble-browser.cjs.js in 3.1s
> chmod +x stage3//bin/buble
> cp -af stage3//dist .
> cp -af stage3//bin .
> rm -rf stage*
> dh override_dh_auto_build
> make[1]: Leaving directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>'
>    dh_auto_test --buildsystem=nodejs
> 	ln -s ../. node_modules/buble
> 	/bin/sh -ex debian/tests/pkg-js/test
> + node -e require("./dist/buble.cjs.js")
> + mocha --timeout 20000
>   buble
>     arrow-functions.js
>       undefined transpiles an arrow function
>       undefined transpiles an arrow function with a naked parameter
>       undefined transpiles an arrow function with single wrapped parameter
>       undefined transpiles an arrow function with parenthesised parameters
>       undefined transpiles an arrow function with a body
>       undefined replaces `this` inside an arrow function
>       undefined replaces `arguments` inside an arrow function
>       undefined only adds one `this` or `arguments` per context
>       undefined transpiles a body-less arrow function with rest params
>       undefined handles combination of destructuring and template strings
>       undefined can be disabled with `transforms.arrow: false`
>       undefined inserts statements after use strict pragma (#72)
>       undefined handles standalone arrow function expression statement
>       undefined handles standalone arrow function expression statement within a function
>       undefined are transformed even if disabled if they have a transpiled spread parameter
>     async.js
>       undefined supports async as property name
>       undefined passes through async function declarations if transform is disabled
>       undefined errors on async function declarations if transform is enabled (341ms)
>       undefined passes through async arrow functions if transform is disabled
>       undefined errors on async arrow functions if transform is enabled
>       undefined passes through async function expressions if transform is disabled
>       undefined errors on async function expressions if transform is enabled
>       undefined passes through async short-hand methods if transform is disabled
>       undefined errors on async short-hand methods if transform is enabled
>       undefined passes through async class methods if transform is disabled
>       undefined errors on async class methods if transform is enabled
>       undefined passes through async function properties if transform is disabled
>       undefined errors on async function properties if transform is enabled
>       undefined passes through async arrow function properties if transform is disabled
>       undefined errors on async arrow function properties if transform is enabled
>       undefined passes through async arrow function with naked parameter if transform is disabled
>       undefined errors on async arrow function with naked parameter if transform is enabled
>       undefined passes through top-level await if transform is disabled
>       undefined errors on top-level await if transform is enabled
>       undefined passes through top-level for-await-of if transform is disabled
>       undefined errors on top-level for-await-of if transform is enabled
>     binary-and-octal.js
>       undefined transpiles binary numbers
>       undefined transpiles octal numbers
>       undefined can be disabled with `transforms.numericLiteral: false`
>     block-scoping.js
>       undefined transpiles let
>       undefined deconflicts blocks in top-level scope
>       undefined deconflicts blocks in same function scope
>       undefined disallows duplicate declarations
>       undefined disallows reassignment to constants
>       undefined allows reassignment of mutable variables that are shadowed by constants in for loops
>       undefined allows reassignment of mutable variables that are shadowed by constants in for in loops
>       undefined allows reassignment of mutable variables that are shadowed by constants in for of loops
>       undefined disallows destructured reassignment to constants, short-hand property
>       undefined disallows destructured reassignment to constants, rest property
>       undefined disallows destructured reassignment to constants, renamed property
>       undefined disallows destructured reassignment to constants, array
>       undefined disallows destructured reassignment to constants, rest element
>       undefined disallows updates to constants
>       undefined does not rewrite properties
>       undefined deconflicts with default imports
>       undefined deconflicts with named imports
>       undefined deconflicts with function declarations
>       undefined does not deconflict with function expressions
>       undefined deconflicts with function expression inside function body
>       undefined deconflicts with parameters
>       undefined deconflicts with class declarations
>       undefined does not deconflict with class expressions
>       undefined deconflicts across multiple function boundaries
>       undefined does not deconflict unnecessarily
>       undefined deconflicts object pattern declarations
>       undefined deconflicts array pattern declarations
>       undefined deconflicts rest element declarations
>       undefined can be disabled with `transforms.letConst: false`
>       undefined reference preceding declaration (#87)
>       undefined correctly recognizes shadowing of const variables by mutable variables declared after mutation
>       undefined correctly transpiles if arrow functions are not transpiled
>       undefined emits correct code after block-less if
>       undefined properly replaces keys of renamed properties when conciseMethodProperty is false
>       undefined properly replaces keys of renamed properties in destructuring when conciseMethodProperty is false
>       undefined does not duplicate the key when removing shorthand properties
>     classes-no-named-function-expressions.js
>       undefined transpiles a class declaration
>       undefined transpiles a class declaration with a non-constructor method
>       undefined transpiles a class declaration without a constructor function
>       undefined no unnecessary deshadowing of method names
>       undefined transpiles a class declaration with a static method
>       undefined transpiles a subclass
>       undefined transpiles a subclass with super calls
>       undefined transpiles a subclass with super calls with spread arguments
>       undefined transpiles export default class
>       undefined transpiles export default subclass
>       undefined transpiles export default subclass with subsequent statement
>       undefined transpiles empty class
>       undefined transpiles an anonymous empty class expression
>       undefined transpiles an anonymous class expression with a constructor
>       undefined transpiles an anonymous class expression with a non-constructor method
>       undefined allows constructor to be in middle of body
>       undefined allows constructor to be at end of body
>       undefined transpiles getters and setters
>       undefined transpiles getters and setters in subclass
>       undefined can be disabled with `transforms.classes: false`
>       undefined declaration extends from an expression (#15)
>       undefined expression extends from an expression (#15)
>       undefined expression extends from an expression with super calls (#31)
>       undefined anonymous expression extends named class (#31)
>       undefined verify deindent() does not corrupt string literals in class methods (#159)
>       undefined deindents a function body with destructuring (#22)
>       undefined allows super in static methods
>       undefined allows zero space between class id and body (#46)
>       undefined transpiles a class with an accessor and no constructor (#48)
>       undefined uses correct indentation for inserted statements in constructor (#39)
>       undefined uses correct indentation for inserted statements in subclass constructor (#39)
>       undefined allows subclass to use rest parameters
>       undefined allows subclass to use rest parameters with other arguments
>       undefined transpiles computed class properties
>       undefined transpiles static computed class properties
>       - transpiles computed class accessors
>       undefined transpiles reserved class properties (!68)
>       undefined transpiles static reserved class properties (!68)
>       undefined uses correct `this` when transpiling `super` (#89)
>       undefined methods with computed names
>       undefined static methods with computed names with varied spacing (#139)
>       undefined methods with numeric or string names (#139)
>       undefined static methods with numeric or string names with varied spacing (#139)
>     classes.js
>       undefined transpiles a class declaration
>       undefined transpiles a class declaration with a non-constructor method
>       undefined transpiles a class declaration without a constructor function
>       undefined no unnecessary deshadowing of method names
>       undefined transpiles a class declaration with a static method
>       undefined transpiles a subclass
>       undefined transpiles a subclass with super calls
>       undefined transpiles a subclass with super calls with spread arguments
>       undefined transpiles export default class
>       undefined transpiles export default subclass
>       undefined transpiles export default subclass with subsequent statement
>       undefined transpiles empty class
>       undefined transpiles an anonymous empty class expression
>       undefined transpiles an anonymous class expression with a constructor
>       undefined transpiles an anonymous class expression with a non-constructor method
>       undefined transpiles an anonymous class expression that is assigned to a property
>       undefined allows constructor to be in middle of body
>       undefined allows constructor to be at end of body
>       undefined transpiles getters and setters
>       undefined transpiles getters and setters in subclass
>       undefined can be disabled with `transforms.classes: false`
>       undefined declaration extends from an expression (#15)
>       undefined expression extends from an expression (#15)
>       undefined expression extends from an expression with super calls (#31)
>       undefined anonymous expression extends named class (#31)
>       undefined verify deindent() does not corrupt string literals in class methods (#159)
>       undefined deindents a function body with destructuring (#22)
>       undefined allows super in static methods
>       undefined allows zero space between class id and body (#46)
>       undefined transpiles a class with an accessor and no constructor (#48)
>       undefined uses correct indentation for inserted statements in constructor (#39)
>       undefined uses correct indentation for inserted statements in subclass constructor (#39)
>       undefined allows subclass to use rest parameters
>       undefined allows subclass to use rest parameters with other arguments
>       undefined transpiles computed class properties
>       undefined transpiles static computed class properties
>       - transpiles computed class accessors
>       undefined transpiles reserved class properties (!68)
>       undefined transpiles static reserved class properties (!68)
>       undefined uses correct `this` when transpiling `super` (#89)
>       undefined methods with computed names
>       undefined static methods with computed names with varied spacing (#139)
>       undefined methods with numeric or string names (#139)
>       undefined static methods with numeric or string names with varied spacing (#139)
>       undefined don't shadow variables with function names (#166)
>       undefined don't collide with superclass name (#196)
>       undefined transpiles class with super class in arrow function (#150)
>     computed-properties.js
>       undefined creates a computed property
>       undefined creates a computed property with a non-identifier expression
>       undefined creates a computed property at start of literal
>       undefined creates a computed property at start of literal with method afterwards
>       undefined creates a computed property at start of literal with generator method afterwards when transpiling methods is disabled
>       undefined creates a computed property at end of literal
>       undefined creates a computed property in middle of literal
>       undefined creates multiple computed properties
>       undefined creates computed property in complex expression
>       undefined creates computed property in block with conflicts
>       undefined closing parenthesis put in correct place (#73)
>       undefined creates a computed method (#78)
>       undefined creates a computed method with a non-identifier expression (#78)
>       undefined does not require space before parens of computed method (#82)
>       undefined supports computed shorthand function with object spread in body (#135)
>       undefined object literal with computed property within arrow expression (#126)
>       undefined Supports nested computed properties (#51)
>       undefined Puts helper variables in correct scope
>     default-parameters.js
>       undefined transpiles default parameters
>       undefined transpiles default parameters in object pattern (#23)
>       undefined transpiles multiple default parameters in object pattern
>       undefined can be disabled with `transforms.defaultParameter: false`
>       undefined transpiles default arrow function parameters
>       undefined transpiles destructured default parameters (#43)
>     destructuring.js
>       undefined destructures an identifier with an object pattern
>       undefined destructures a non-identifier with an object pattern
>       undefined destructures a parameter with an object pattern
>       undefined uses different name than the property in a declaration
>       undefined destructures an identifier with an array pattern
>       undefined destructures an identifier with a sparse array pattern
>       undefined destructures a non-identifier with an array pattern
>       undefined destructures a parameter with an array pattern
>       undefined can be disabled in declarations with `transforms.destructuring === false`
>       undefined can be disabled in function parameters with `transforms.parameterDestructuring === false`
>       undefined does not destructure parameters intelligently (#53)
>       undefined does not destructure variable declarations intelligently (#53)
>       undefined destructures variables in the middle of a declaration
>       undefined destructuring a destructured parameter
>       undefined default value in destructured variable declaration (#37)
>       undefined default values in destructured object parameter with a default value (#37)
>       undefined destructures not replacing reference from parent scope
>       undefined deep matching with object patterns
>       undefined deep matching with string literals in object patterns
>       undefined deep matching with object patterns and reference
>       undefined deep matching with array patterns
>       undefined deep matching with sparse array
>       undefined deep matching in parameters
>       undefined destructured object assignment with computed properties
>       undefined destructured object declaration with computed properties
>       undefined destructured object declaration with computed properties and rest
>       undefined destructured object declaration with numeric properties and rest
>       undefined destructured object with computed properties in parameters
>       undefined deep matching in parameters with computed properties
>       undefined array destructuring declaration with rest element
>       undefined array destructuring declaration with complex rest element
>       undefined destructuring function parameters with array rest element
>       undefined destructuring array assignment with complex rest element
>       undefined destructuring array rest element within an object property
>       undefined transpiles destructuring assignment of an array
>       undefined transpiles destructuring assignment of an array with a default value
>       undefined transpiles nested destructuring assignment of an array
>       undefined transpiles nested destructuring assignment of an array without evaluating a memberexpr twice
>       undefined transpiles nested destructuring assignment of an array with a default
>       undefined leaves member expression patterns intact
>       undefined only assigns to member expressions once
>       undefined transpiles destructuring assignment of an object
>       undefined transpiles destructuring assignment of an object where key and pattern names differ
>       undefined transpiles nested destructuring assignment of an object
>       undefined transpiles destructuring assignment of an object with a default value
>       undefined only evaluates a sub-object once
>       undefined doesn't create an object temporary unless necessary
>       undefined lifts its variable declarations out of the expression
>       undefined puts its scratch variables in the parent scope
>       undefined array destructuring default with template string (#145)
>       undefined object destructuring default with template string (#145)
>       undefined array destructuring with multiple defaults with hole
>       undefined object destructuring with multiple defaults
>       undefined destrucuring assignments requiring rvalues
>       undefined destrucuring assignments not requiring rvalues
>       undefined destructures with computed property
>       undefined destructures within block scope
>       undefined destructures rewritten block scope variables
>       undefined destructures try catch parameters
>       undefined destructures parameters with same name as function
>       undefined destructuring inside a brace-less if
>       undefined destructuring nested computed properties
>     exponentiation-operator.js
>       undefined transpiles an exponentiation operator
>       undefined transpiles an exponentiation assignment to a simple reference
>       undefined transpiles an exponentiation assignment to a simple parenthesized reference
>       undefined transpiles an exponentiation assignment to a rewritten simple reference
>       undefined transpiles an exponentiation assignment to a simple member expression
>       undefined transpiles an exponentiation assignment to a simple deep member expression
>       undefined transpiles an exponentiation assignment to a simple computed member expression
>       undefined transpiles an exponentiation assignment to a complex reference
>       undefined transpiles an exponentiation assignment to a contrivedly complex reference
>       undefined transpiles an exponentiation assignment to a contrivedly complex reference (that is not a top-level statement)
>       undefined transpiles an exponentiation assignment to a contrivedly complex reference with simple object (that is not a top-level statement)
>       undefined handles pathological bastard case
>       undefined handles assignment of exponentiation assignment to property
>       undefined handles assignment of exponentiation assignment to property with side effect
>     for-of.js
>       undefined disallows for-of statements
>       undefined ignores for-of with `transforms.forOf === false`
>       undefined transpiles for-of with array assumption with `transforms.dangerousForOf`
>       undefined transpiles for-of with expression
>       undefined transpiles for-of that needs to be rewritten as function
>       undefined transpiles body-less for-of
>       undefined transpiles space-less for-of
>       undefined handles continue in for-of
>       undefined handles this and arguments in for-of
>       undefined for-of with empty block (#80)
>       undefined for-of with empty block and var (#80)
>       undefined return from for-of loop rewritten as function
>       undefined allows destructured variable declaration (#95)
>       undefined destructures assignment in forOf loop
>       undefined destructures assignment in forOf loop with array pattern
>     for-statement.js
>       undefined transpiles for statement without init and update
>       undefined for in with member expression
>     generators.js
>       undefined disallows generator function declarations
>       undefined disallows generator function expressions
>       undefined disallows generator functions as object literal methods
>       undefined disallows generator functions as class methods
>       undefined ignores generator function declarations with `transforms.generator: false`
>       undefined ignores generator function expressions with `transforms.generator: false`
>       undefined ignores generator function methods with `transforms.generator: false`
>       undefined ignores generator function class methods with `transforms.generator: false`
>     get-set.js
>       undefined is disabled by default for classes
>       undefined is disabled by default for objects
>       undefined can be explicitly enabled for classes
>       undefined can be explicitly enabled for objects
>       undefined are automatically enabled for ie8 for classes
>       undefined are automatically enabled for ie8 for objects
>     json-superset.js
>       undefined transpiles U+2028 LINE SEPARATOR
>       undefined transpiles U+2029 PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR
>     jsx.js
>       undefined transpiles self-closing JSX tag
>       undefined transpiles non-self-closing JSX tag
>       undefined transpiles non-self-closing JSX tag without attributes
>       undefined transpiles nested JSX tags
>       undefined transpiles JSX tag with expression attributes
>       undefined transpiles JSX tag with expression children
>       undefined transpiles JSX component
>       undefined transpiles empty JSX expression block
>       undefined transpiles empty JSX expression block with comment
>       undefined transpiles JSX component without attributes
>       undefined transpiles JSX component without attributes with children
>       undefined transpiles namespaced JSX component
>       undefined supports pragmas
>       undefined stringifies text children
>       undefined handles whitespace and quotes appropriately
>       undefined handles single-line whitespace and quotes appropriately
>       undefined handles single quotes in text children
>       undefined transpiles tag with data attribute
>       undefined transpiles JSX tag without value
>       undefined transpiles JSX fragments
>       undefined transpiles one JSX spread attributes
>       undefined disallow mixed JSX spread attributes ending in spread
>       undefined transpiles mixed JSX spread attributes ending in spread
>       undefined transpiles mixed JSX spread attributes ending in spread with custom Object.assign
>       undefined transpiles mixed JSX spread attributes ending in other values
>       undefined transpiles spread expressions (#64)
>       undefined handles whitespace between elements on same line (#65)
>       undefined fix Object.assign regression in JSXOpeningElement (#163)
>       undefined fix no space between JSXOpeningElement attributes (#178)
>       undefined supports /* @jsx customPragma */ directives (#195)
>       undefined ignores subsequent /* @jsx customPragma */ directives (#195)
>       undefined handles dash-cased value-less props
>       undefined respects non-breaking and advanced white-space characters
>       undefined transpiles entities
>     loops.js
>       undefined transpiles block scoping inside loops with function bodies
>       undefined transpiles block scoping inside while loops with function bodies
>       undefined transpiles block scoping inside do-while loops with function bodies
>       undefined transpiles block-less for loops with block-scoped declarations inside function body
>       undefined transpiles block scoping inside loops without function bodies
>       undefined transpiles block-less for loops without block-scoped declarations inside function body
>       undefined preserves correct `this` and `arguments` inside block scoped loop (#10)
>       undefined maintains value of for loop variables between iterations (#11)
>       undefined maintains value of for loop variables between iterations, with conflict (#11)
>       undefined loop variables with UpdateExpresssions between iterations (#150)
>       undefined loop variables with UpdateExpresssions between iterations, with conflict (#150)
>       undefined handles break and continue inside block-scoped loops (#12)
>       undefined rewrites for-in loops as functions as necessary
>       undefined allows breaking from for-in loops
>       undefined transpiles block-less for-in statements
>       undefined transpiles block-less for-in statements as functions
>       undefined does not incorrectly rename variables declared in for loop head
>       undefined does not rewrite as function if `transforms.letConst === false`
>       undefined calls synthetic loop function with correct argument
>       undefined handles body-less do-while loops (#27)
>       undefined returns without a value from loop
>       undefined supports two compiled loops in one function
>       undefined destructures variable declaration in for loop head
>       undefined complex destructuring in variable declaration in for loop head
>       undefined nested destructuring in variable declaration in for loop head
>       undefined nested array destructuring in variable declaration in for loop head
>       undefined array destructuring with default value in variable declaration in for loop head
>       undefined object destructuring with default value in variable declaration in for loop head
>       undefined arrow functions in block-less for loops in a block-less if/else chain (#110)
>       undefined always initialises block-scoped variable in loop (#124)
>       undefined always initialises block-scoped variable in for-of loop (#125)
>       undefined always initialises block-scoped variable in simple for-of loop (#125)
>       undefined always initialises block-scoped variable in for-in loop
>       undefined use alias for this in right side of nested for-in loop declaration (#142)
>       undefined use alias for this in right side of nested for-of loop declaration (#142)
>       undefined transpiles destructuring in for-in loop heads
>       undefined transpiles destructuring in for-in loop heads
>       undefined labelled breaks/continues are not renamed
>       undefined Labels are not renamed
>     misc.js
>       undefined handles empty return
>       undefined allows break statement inside switch
>       undefined double var is okay
>       undefined var followed by let is not okay
>       undefined let followed by var is not okay
>       undefined does not get confused about keys of Literal node
>       undefined handles sparse arrays (#62)
>       undefined Safari/WebKit bug workaround: parameter shadowing function expression name (#154)
>       undefined catch clauses have their own scope
>     modules.js
>       undefined disallows import statement
>       undefined disallows export statement
>       undefined imports are ignored with `transforms.moduleImport === false`
>       undefined exports are ignored with `transforms.moduleExport === false`
>       undefined imports and exports are ignored with `transforms.modules === false`
>       undefined Supports anonymous functions as default export
>       undefined Supports anonymous classes as default export
>     object-properties-no-named-function-expressions.js
>       undefined transpiles shorthand properties
>       undefined transpiles shorthand methods
>       undefined transpiles shorthand methods with quoted names (#82)
>       undefined transpiles shorthand methods with reserved names (!68)
>       undefined transpiles shorthand methods with numeric or string names (#139)
>       undefined shorthand properties can be disabled with `transforms.conciseMethodProperty === false`
>       undefined computed properties can be disabled with `transforms.computedProperty === false`
>       undefined transpiles computed properties without spacing (#117)
>     object-properties.js
>       undefined transpiles shorthand properties
>       undefined transpiles shorthand methods
>       undefined transpiles shorthand methods with quoted names (#82)
>       undefined transpiles shorthand methods with reserved names (!68)
>       undefined transpiles shorthand methods with numeric or string names (#139)
>       undefined shorthand properties can be disabled with `transforms.conciseMethodProperty === false`
>       undefined computed properties can be disabled with `transforms.computedProperty === false`
>       undefined transpiles computed properties without spacing (#117)
>       undefined transpiles string-keyed properties after computed properties
>       undefined transpiles string-keyed properties after computed properties with excessive whitespaces after the key
>       undefined avoids shadowing free variables with method names (#166)
>     object-rest-spread.js
>       undefined disallows object spread operator
>       undefined transpiles object spread with one object
>       undefined transpiles object spread with two objects
>       undefined transpiles object spread with regular keys in between
>       undefined transpiles object spread mixed
>       undefined transpiles objects with spread with computed property (#144)
>       undefined doesn't transpile objects with spread with computed property if disabled
>       undefined supports transpiling spread properties if computed properties shouldn't be transpiled
>       undefined supports transpiling computed properties if spread properties shouldn't be transpiled
>       undefined transpiles inline objects with spread with computed property (#144)
>       undefined transpiles object spread nested
>       undefined transpiles object spread deeply nested
>       undefined transpiles object spread with custom Object.assign
>       undefined transpiles rest properties
>       undefined transpiles rest properties in assignments
>       undefined transpiles rest properties in arguments
>       undefined transpiles rest properties in arrow function arguments
>       undefined transpiles rest properties in for loop heads
>       undefined transpiles trivial rest properties in for loop heads
>       undefined inlines object spread with one object
>       undefined inlines object spread with two objects
>       undefined inlines object spread with regular keys in between
>       undefined inlines object spread mixed
>       undefined inlines object spread very mixed
>       undefined inlines object spread without extraneous trailing commas
>     regex.js
>       undefined disallows sticky flag in regex literals
>       undefined u flag is ignored with `transforms.unicodeRegExp === false`
>       undefined y flag is ignored with `transforms.stickyRegExp === false`
>     reserved-properties.js
>       undefined rewrites member expressions that are reserved words
>       undefined rewrites object literal properties that are reserved words
>       undefined does not rewrite member expressions by default
>       undefined does not rewrite object literal properties by default
>     rest-parameters.js
>       undefined transpiles solo rest parameters
>       undefined transpiles rest parameters following other parameters
>       undefined can be disabled with `transforms.spreadRest === false`
>     spread-operator.js
>       undefined transpiles a lone spread operator
>       undefined transpiles a spread element in array with trailing comma
>       undefined transpiles a spread operator with other values
>       undefined transpiles a lone spread operator in a method call
>       undefined transpiles a spread operator in a method call with other arguments
>       undefined transpiles a spread operator in a method call of an expression
>       undefined transpiles a spread operator in a method call of this (#100)
>       undefined transpiles a spread operator in a call in an arrow function using this (#115)
>       undefined transpiles a spread operator in a new call in an arrow function using this
>       undefined transpiles a spread operator in an expression method call within an if
>       undefined transpiles spread operators in expression method calls within a function
>       undefined transpiles spread operators in a complex nested scenario
>       undefined transpiles spread operators in issue #92
>       undefined transpiles spread operators with template literals (issue #99)
>       undefined transpiles a lone spread operator in a function call
>       undefined transpiles a spread operator in a function call with other arguments
>       undefined transpiles a spread operator in an expression call
>       undefined can be disabled in array expressions `transforms.spreadRest: false`
>       undefined can be disabled in call expressions with `transforms.spreadRest: false`
>       undefined transpiles multiple spread operators in an array
>       undefined transpiles multiple spread operators in an array with trailing comma
>       undefined transpiles mixture of spread and non-spread elements
>       undefined transpiles mixture of spread and non-spread elements in array with trailing comma
>       undefined transpiles ...arguments
>       undefined transpiles ...arguments in array with trailing comma
>       undefined transpiles ...arguments in middle of array
>       undefined transpiles multiple spread operators in function call
>       undefined transpiles mixture of spread and non-spread operators in function call
>       undefined transpiles ...arguments in function call
>       undefined transpiles ...arguments in middle of function call
>       undefined transpiles new with spread args
>       undefined transpiles `new` with spread parameter in an arrow function
>       undefined transpiles a call with spread parameter in an arrow function
>       undefined transpiles `new` with ...arguments in an arrow function
>       undefined transpiles a call with ...arguments in an arrow function
>       undefined transpiles spread with template literal afterwards
>       undefined transpiles spread with arrow function afterwards
>       undefined transpiles spread in new with arrow function afterwards
>       undefined inlines unreasonably deep spreads
>       undefined does not (yet) inline spread arrays with holes
>       undefined inlines array spreads without extraneous trailing commas
>       undefined inlines call spreads without extraneous trailing commas
>       undefined inlines new call spreads without extraneous trailing commas
>       undefined transpiles a first spread element comprising a ternary operator
>     template-strings.js
>       undefined transpiles an untagged template literal
>       undefined handles arbitrary whitespace inside template elements
>       undefined transpiles an untagged template literal containing complex expressions
>       undefined transpiles a template literal containing single quotes
>       undefined transpiles a template literal containing double quotes
>       undefined does not transpile tagged template literals
>       undefined transpiles tagged template literals with `transforms.dangerousTaggedTemplateString = true`
>       undefined transpiles tagged template literals with `transforms.dangerousTaggedTemplateString = true`
>       undefined reuses quasi array for identical tagged template strings
>       undefined reuses quasi array for identical tagged template strings in strict mode
>       undefined correctly positions the templateObject at the start of the source file
>       undefined parenthesises template strings as necessary
>       undefined does not parenthesise plain template strings
>       undefined does not parenthesise template strings in arithmetic expressions
>       undefined can be disabled with `transforms.templateString === false`
>       undefined skips leading empty string if possible
>       undefined includes leading empty string if necessary
>       undefined closes parens if final empty string is omitted
>       undefined allows empty template string
>       undefined concats expression with variable
>       undefined interpolations inside interpolations
>     trailing-function-commas.js
>       undefined strips trailing commas in call arguments
>       undefined strips trailing commas in function expression arguments
>       undefined strips trailing commas in normal function declaration arguments
>       undefined strips trailing commas in method arguments
>       undefined strips trailing commas in arrow function declaration arguments
>       undefined strips trailing commas after destructured argument in arrow function declaration arguments
>       undefined strips trailing commas in new expression arguments
>       undefined keeps commas in trailing comments in normal function declaration arguments
>       undefined strips trailing commas after comments in normal function declaration arguments
>       undefined does not freeze on multiline calls without trailing comma
>       undefined does not remove commas after closing parens
>     cli
>       undefined basic (283ms)
>       undefined compiles-directory (310ms)
>       undefined creates-inline-sourcemap (440ms)
>       undefined creates-sourcemap (434ms)
>       undefined supports-jsx (249ms)
>       undefined supports-jsx-pragma (251ms)
>       undefined supports-jsx-pragma-comment (204ms)
>       undefined uses-overrides (309ms)
>       undefined uses-targets (361ms)
>       undefined writes-to-stdout (243ms)
>     errors
>       undefined reports the location of a syntax error
>       undefined reports the location of a compile error
>     target
>       undefined determines necessary transforms for a target environment
>       undefined returns lowest common denominator support info
>       undefined only applies necessary transforms
>     sourcemaps
>       undefined generates a valid sourcemap
>       undefined uses provided file and source
>       undefined includes content by default
>       1) excludes content if requested
>       undefined locates original content
>       undefined recovers names
>       undefined handles moved content
>   536 passing (4s)
>   2 pending
>   1 failing
>   1) buble
>        sourcemaps
>          excludes content if requested:
>      AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Expected values to be loosely deep-equal:
> undefined
> should loosely deep-equal
> [
>   null
> ]
>       at Context.<anonymous> (test/test.js:234:11)
>       at callFn (/usr/share/nodejs/mocha/lib/runnable.js:366:21)
>       at Test.Runnable.run (/usr/share/nodejs/mocha/lib/runnable.js:354:5)
>       at Runner.runTest (/usr/share/nodejs/mocha/lib/runner.js:666:10)
>       at /usr/share/nodejs/mocha/lib/runner.js:789:12
>       at next (/usr/share/nodejs/mocha/lib/runner.js:581:14)
>       at /usr/share/nodejs/mocha/lib/runner.js:591:7
>       at next (/usr/share/nodejs/mocha/lib/runner.js:474:14)
>       at Immediate._onImmediate (/usr/share/nodejs/mocha/lib/runner.js:559:5)
>       at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:471:21)
> dh_auto_test: error: /bin/sh -ex debian/tests/pkg-js/test returned exit code 1

The full build log is available from:

All bugs filed during this archive rebuild are listed at:

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at
http://wiki.debian.org/qa.debian.org/FTBFS . You're welcome to contribute!

If you reassign this bug to another package, please mark it as 'affects'-ing
this package. See https://www.debian.org/Bugs/server-control#affects

If you fail to reproduce this, please provide a build log and diff it with mine
so that we can identify if something relevant changed in the meantime.

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