[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#1071382: nodejs: FTBFS: flaky test

Sebastian Ramacher sramacher at debian.org
Sat May 18 09:49:51 BST 2024

Source: nodejs
Version: 20.13.1+dfsg-1
Severity: serious
Tags: ftbfs
Justification: fails to build from source (but built successfully in the past)
X-Debbugs-Cc: sramacher at debian.org

The test sequential/test-worker-heapsnapshot-options is flaky. The
builds of 20.13.1+dfsg-1 failed on mips64el and s390. It also failed
once on armhf, but a give back worked.


not ok 3548 sequential/test-worker-heapsnapshot-options
  duration_ms: 2713.46500
  severity: fail
  exitcode: 1
  stack: |-
    (node:200641) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
    (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'incomingEdges')
        at createJSHeapSnapshot (/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/test/common/heap.js:46:12)
        at new State (/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/test/common/heap.js:108:21)
        at recordState (/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/test/common/heap.js:207:10)
        at /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/test/sequential/test-worker-heapsnapshot-options.js:16:22
    Node.js v20.13.1

Sebastian Ramacher

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