[Pkg-julia-devel] Julia entered Debian!

Sébastien Villemot sebastien at debian.org
Wed Dec 12 08:47:58 UTC 2012


Le mardi 11 décembre 2012 à 13:47 +0530, Viral Shah a écrit :

> We should certainly do a new version, perhaps try to do once a month,
> until v0.1 is released. Let's try to aim for and fix the build issues
> on arm and powerpc, if possible before you make the next upload. Could
> you file these as issues on github?

A monthly upload seems a good rhythm. When I investigate the arm and
powerpc issues, I’ll file issues on github

> Are you planning to create debian packages for julia packages in the
> near future? We need to strike the right balance for apt installed
> packages, and julia's Pkg installed packages.

Not in the short term, because I have other priorities (helping with the
Debian Wheezy release, improving the Julia core package), and also
because the pkg system is not yet ready for system-wide installation
(issue #1692).

But in the medium term I definitely hope that we will find a consensus
for the best way of incorporating Julia packages into GNU/Linux distros,
so that this work can start in Debian.

> Are there any debian/ubuntu deadlines that we should keep in mind when
> planning a julia release?

Concerning Debian, the next deadline is far away. We are finishing the
release cycle of Wheezy, and Julia will not be part of that release
because it missed the deadline (June 30). The deadline for the Jessie
release should be somewhere in mid-2014, so there is plenty of time.

Concerning Ubuntu, the next release (Raring Ringtail) is expected in
April 2013. The automatic import from Debian will stop on Feb 14, 2013.
So basically whatever Julia package is in Debian unstable by that date
will be part of Ubuntu Raring. We should therefore plan a little in
advance to decide which commit version to upload in Debian for that
deadline (unless of course 0.1 is out!).


 .''`.    Sébastien Villemot
: :' :    Debian Developer
`. `'     http://www.dynare.org/sebastien
  `-      GPG Key: 4096R/381A7594

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