[Pkg-julia-devel] Need help for packaging Julia 0.4

Elliot Saba staticfloat at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 22:40:09 UTC 2015

It's great to have new volunteers, welcome aboard, Peter!

Please do not hesitate to ask if you have questions about the Julia build
system, how packaging is done on various platforms, etc...

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Sébastien Villemot <sebastien at debian.org>

> [Replying to the pkg-julia list]
> Le jeudi 15 octobre 2015 à 14:20 -0400, Peter Colberg a écrit :
> > On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 11:49:51AM +0200, Sébastien Villemot wrote:
> > > Is any of you interested? Note that it is not necessary to be a
> > > Debian
> > > Developper, I can sponsor the uploads. I would also be available
> > > for
> > > answering questions and giving advice.
> >
> > I was about to file a wishlist bug for Julia 0.4.0.
> >
> > Yes, I have been a long-time user of Debian and would love to help
> > maintain a science-related package. I use Julia on my private Debian
> > machines, and compile it from source for the CentOS machines at work.
> >
> > I will fork pkg-julia/julia.git to update the package to version
> > 0.4.0
> > and let you know on the pkg-julia-devel list. So far I am not a
> > Debian
> > developer and would need upload sponsorship. Do you have any
> > unwritten
> > guidelines for the Julia packaging that would be good to know?
> >
> > My Alioth username is pc-guest.
> Thanks for volunteering!
> I have added you to the pkg-julia project at alioth, so you should be
> able to commit directly to pkg-julia/julia.git. Or you can work in a
> public fork, as you prefer.
> I have not written guidelines for packaging, so I'll try to guide you
> by email.
> First, I assume that you are somewhat familiar with Debian packaging in
> general. If you're not, I can give you pointers.
> Note that packaging julia for Debian is not straightforward. So if this
> is your first Debian package, don't be surprised if that seems hard.
> One of the difficulties is that we cannot use the upstream tarballs,
> because they contain many embeddded dependencies (in the "deps/"
> directory), which goes against the spirit of distributions.
> The solution that I have adopted is to strip most of them for the
> tarball (but a few embedded dependencies are still used by the Debian
> package, because they are basically private forks of existing packages
> for which we can't/don't use a separate package).
> For the moment, creating the orig tarball is done by the get-orig-
> source rule of debian/rules. The tarball is generated from git, after
> checking out the release corresponding to the most recent entry in
> debian/changelog.
> I am not sure that basing our upstream tarball on a git checkout is
> still the best strategy. Upstream now distributes two source tarballs:
> one with all embedded dependencies, the other one with none. But we
> can't use any of these, because we need some embedded dependencies. So
> maybe the git solution is still the best one.
> After generating the tarball, the next step would be to update the
> debian/copyright file.
> I am aware that the above explanations may not be clear, depending on
> your level of experience. I guess you should first familiarize yourself
> with the 0.3 package. In that case, don't hesitate to ask for more
> details.
> Cheers,
> --
>  .''`.    Sébastien Villemot
> : :' :    Debian Developer
> `. `'     http://sebastien.villemot.name
>   `-      GPG Key: 4096R/381A7594
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