[Pkg-kbd-devel] Re: Ubuntu keyboard/installer plans

Anton Zinoviev anton at lml.bas.bg
Thu Oct 5 17:33:53 UTC 2006

On Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 09:38:50PM +0200, Denis Barbier wrote:
> Hey, it finds spelling mistakes in XKB files, that's great!

In ckbcomp there are many lines with "Is this recognised by X ?".  If
these lines are commented, it will bi able to find more spelling
mistakes.  I wasn't sure which of these keysyms are valid and which
are not.

> Hangul is a valid keysym though.

I couldn't find any Unicode for Hangul.  Or this is some control key?

> It would be nice to find a solution so that $macs models look for
> symbols in symbols/* without breaking current settings, but I failed,

It seams the only way to make

     -model macintosh -layout de nodeadkeys

equivalent with

     -model macintosh -layout de mac_nodeadkeys

is for each layout-variant combination to add a specific rule in the
rules file.

> Can you get rid of symbols/macintosh_vndr in console-setup, and only
> consider mac variants?  (and of course mac_nodeadkeys, fr_mac, etc)

This is possible if console-setup uses its own rules file.  But then
it would be impossible to use directly the configuration of
console-setup in X.

Anton Zinoviev

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