[Pkg-kbd-devel] Bug#483607: console-screen.kbd.sh: Provides header breaks insserv scheduling

Michael Schutte m.schutte.jr at gmail.com
Thu Jun 5 20:11:40 UTC 2008

reopen 483607 =
#            ^^^ Wolf, even though the issue has changed a bit, I assume
#                you still want to keep track; if not, please shout
retitle 483607 console-screen.kbd.sh: Provides header breaks insserv scheduling

On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 04:23:35PM +0200, Michael Schutte wrote:
> > CCed Peter for his opininon.
> I’m waiting for his comment before deciding how to go on.

Petter, any ideas?  How about adding a custom X-If-Present header to
insserv, which would remove an init script from rc?.d if the specified
file does not exist?  This would allow for something along the lines of

	# X-If-Present: /bin/loadkeys

which would probably help in similar cases, too.

Best regards,
Michael Schutte <m.schutte.jr at gmail.com>
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