[Pkg-kbd-devel] Bug#833888: kbd: Consider including upstream vlock

Cesare Leonardi celeonar at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 13:23:01 UTC 2016

On 10/08/2016 14:37, Andreas Henriksson wrote:
> Please do direct your mails to the bug report rather than to me, so that
> the information gets properly/publicly archived. (I'll get a copy of it
> any way.)

I'm very sorry, i didn't noticed that my reply was directed to you 
rather that the bug report.

> My (possibly incorrect) understanding is that Frank started the fork,
> rewrote it basically from scratch with a new design and many more features.

It's possible.
In the meantime i've updated #833843, because i've found that Frank has 
a github page with a vlock repo, so i think it's the current home of the 

Thank you very much, Andreas, for your suggestions and considerations.


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