[Pkg-kbd-devel] Bug#810332: Bug#810332: kbd: loss of locale settings on upgrade to version 2.0.3-2

Andreas Henriksson andreas at fatal.se
Fri Jan 8 13:29:48 UTC 2016

Hello Arthur.

On Fri, Jan 08, 2016 at 11:41:53PM +1030, Arthur Marsh wrote:
> This could be konsole-specific, so I might try doing some more testing with
> a different terminal program.

Even if it's konsole specific I would have assumed a flood of bug reports.
Maybe I'm wrong and more affected users will show up soon, but I'm right
now suspecting some configuration specific to your system.

I find it very curious that LC_* does not adhere to your LANG setting.
If you could just switch to a virtual console (ctrl-alt-f1) and try
there that would be useful. Possibly the content of your /etc/default/locale
could also be useful.

Otherwise, if you could keep the old kbd version with the init script
and then just remove part by part of it to try to locale what exactly
it is that makes your locale work would also be useful!

> Thanks for your feedback!

Thanks for getting back on this. I really need more input/ideas to
be able to resolve this issue.

Andreas Henriksson

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