[Pkg-kde-extras] svn: adding (k)ubuntu & backporting branches?
Achim Bohnet
ach at mpe.mpg.de
Fri Sep 9 09:06:43 UTC 2005
On Thursday 08 September 2005 20:48, Mark Purcell wrote:
> On Wednesday 07 September 2005 22:54, Achim Bohnet wrote:
> > would be nice if we can arrange that (k)ubuntu developers
> > that take care about pkg in kde-extras for (k)ubuntu, would
> > use the the alioth svn repo too (at least when I am involved
> > I would like to 'document' the changes there ;)
> Yes please. Lets use alioth for both (k)ubuntu and debian packages!
> > Any idea about a handy layout to integate (k)ubuntu changes
> > (and backports too)? How do other handle it?
> Worth asking on debian-devel/ (k)ubuntu-devel??
Riddel created and alioth account 2 days ago. I don't know
yet what there plans, svn layout will be. We'll see shortly
I assume.
> > AFAIU svn-buildpackage it does not support only one working
> > branche (the trunk), so one would need a
> > kde-extras/UBUNTU/<same layout as now below kde-extras>.
> > and similar stuff for backports.
> The README in kde-extras states:
> =====================
> When, at some point, the need to have two different versions at the same time
> arises (for example, if we need a version to be in unstable and a different
> one to be in experimental), experimental development will be made in trunk/
> and if a new unstable package needs to be cooked, copying
> tag/'latest_version_in_sid' to tag/'latest_version_in_sid'+1 will make the
> trick.
> ======================
> I don't see why we couldn't extend this to ubuntu versions as well, afterall
> the namespace between ubuntu and debian is already synchronised.
I was never really happy with this. For svn a tag is a simple copy, but
at least for me tag is something one does (normaly) not modify. Doing
normal work in it is perfectly fine frmm svn POV but it's misuse of
the name tag. Branch is the right name to use.
> Thus the repository becomes something like this:
> - packagename/
> - trunk/
> - branches/
> - tags/
> - 0.7.2-1/
> - 0.7.2-2/
> - 0.7.2-2ubuntu1/
> - 0.7.2-2ubuntu2/
> - 0.7.2-2ubuntu3/
> - 0.8.0/
> ...
> In this case ubuntu could either copy 'tags/0.7.2-2ubuntu3/' to tags
> '/0.7.2-2ubuntu4/' modify and release, or work on 0.8 or trunk... Making
> sure that any relevant back/forward ports also went into trunk as well.
If I could freely choose the layout I like to suggest
trunk/ <-- latest upstream used in debian or ubuntu or ...
branch-<distro>/x.y.z <-- in case a distro falls back, backports or , sec fixes
branch/x.y.z <-- in case changes are not distro specific svn mv/cp/merge
between branch/ and branch-<distro>/.
Version-revision should in theory always be unique in ubuntu + debian so
one can only a common tags/ hierarchy
> svn-builpackage will work from within the tags dir, just make sure you have
> tarballs, and build-area defined in the level above, or even better sym
> linked.
So svn-buildpackage can use the branch<whatever> instead of tags<whatever>!?
That would be great. My only 'problem' with our suggestion is that work in
done in tags and not in branch
> Mark
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