[Pkg-kde-extras] Mini trans to get rid of 'c2' libkexif and libkipp

Achim Bohnet ach at mpe.mpg.de
Thu Sep 22 22:04:35 UTC 2005

Hi Mark,

'backporting' the (hopefully soon released) libkexif and libkipi
to sarge, hoary and breezy was a bit dull work because I had to remove
the 'c2' postfix.

I'm sorry Paul, you had the right intention and made it like
kubuntu at that time, with 'c2' to make debian -> ubuntu easy.
Short before my holiday I discovered the 'c2' in kubuntu and
pointed out their 'error' on #kubuntu-devel channel. I assume
that they fixed it later with a n32 upload, unfortunately after
you check their pkgs :(

I'm tempted to ask on debian-release for an okay for a mini
trans to get rid of 'c2'  to make backporting and kubuntu transfer
easier.  AFAIU all that's needed is to reupload digikam* kipi-plugins
(with a next release it rather just an upload) and gwenview,
showimg and kimdaba.  Of course I'll check this locally first
and ping maintainer of the other kipi apps before bothering
debian-release.  This would help to get rid of the branches/ubuntu
in svn too ;)

What do you think about it?

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