[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#457412: [Kmymoney2-developer] Bug#457412: kmymoney2 crash when libchipcard2-data not installed

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sat Dec 22 08:02:24 UTC 2007

> during configuration of the online-banking feature of kmymoney2, when
> choosing to import user data from chipcard and clicking on "OK",
> kmymoney2 crashes and produces a backtrace.
> Only when started from the command-line it produces an understandable
> error-message which says that libchipcard is missing it's configuration
> file. Thus, after installing e.g. libchipcard2-data, it works.

Martin, this sounds like an AqBanking/LibChipcard problem to me? Can you 
catch this somewhere so that the application does not crash? I assume the 
same will happen with GnuCash in this scenario.



Thomas Baumgart

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