[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#427242: kmplayer: mysterious crash, crashing X also

A Mennucc debdev at tonelli.sns.it
Mon Jun 4 12:13:01 UTC 2007


the fact that X crashes when any of the above program is run would suggest
that the problem is with X and not with the above programs

anyway, what video are you trying to play?

also what video hardware is in your PC?

 what video drivers are you using for  Xorg?

also, try running a memory test
(to this end , install the package 'memtest86' : if you use grub 
as your bootloader, this will add an item to the  menu you see at boot:
choose that and let it run for ~20minutes and look if there are errors)


ps: next time you want to send an strace, gzip it and send as attachment :-)

Andrea Mennucc

"The EULA sounds like it was written by a team of lawyers who want to tell 
me what I can't do, and the GPL sounds like it was written by a human 
being who wants me to know what I can do."
Anonymous,    http://www.securityfocus.com/columnists/420

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