[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#390703: Bug#390703: ubuntu digikam no longer requires libgphoto-2-2-dev

Achim Bohnet ach at mpe.mpg.de
Tue Jun 19 19:34:37 UTC 2007

On Tuesday, 19. June 2007, Mark Purcell wrote:
> Luka,
> I see from the ubuntu changelog for digikam that you claim that you no longer 
> need the libgphoto .la files due to the difference in the way the Kubuntu KDE 
> has been built.

Kubuntu _never_ needed the libgphoto2-dev .la files.  This
change is most of the time the only change in the digikam
kubuntu pkg.

> I can confirm I am still having this problem in Debian with the 0.9.2 final 
> release package.

Damn :(   Have you the time to try the fix described


and following comments?
> Can you provide some details so we can get this fixed in Debian?

Lure and me discussed it on #kubuntu-devel on freenode. Up to now
we found nothing that explains the difference.

Maybe, while at debconf, you can join  #debian-qt-kde on oftc.
Lure and myself are usualy there too.

> Thanks,
> Mark
> +digikam (2:0.9.2~beta2-1ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low
> +
> +  * Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
> +    - debian/control: don't depend on libgphoto2-2-dev.  
> +      Kubuntu's KDE finds the libgphoto plugins without the .la files.
> +    - debian/patches/11-add-service-menu-translations.diff:
> +      Rework patch to apply - French translation of .desktop file 
> +  * Added debian/patches/digikam-svn-r669532.diff: 
> +    Post-Beta2 fix from KDE SVN for preview bug. Closes: KDE #146072.
> +
> + -- Luka Renko <lure at ubuntu.com>  Wed, 30 May 2007 19:36:57 +0200

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