[Pkg-kde-extras] KDE 4 apps.

Achim Bohnet ach at mpe.mpg.de
Thu Mar 22 15:21:51 UTC 2007

On Thursday, 22. March 2007, Tom Albers wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there some sort of way to handle the upcoming bunch of KDE4 based applications? I will release a KDE4/Qt4 based version of Mailody probably around all alpha en beta releases of KDE4, but I would not want the KDE3/Qt3 based ones removed from the repository. I guess this change happens for all applications in kde-extra's.
> Should it be made new packages? Does it have to go through NEW again? Any thoughts?

I assume that depends on the plans for the KDE 4 kde<whatever> packages.
When they will be installable in parallell to kde3, then mailody do so
too and needs a different pkg name.

FWIW: to pkg kde4 extra application I would suggest to use

<source>/branches/kde4 until

CC'ed to pkg-kde-talk.

> Toma
> -- 
> http://www.mailody.net

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