[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#425292: Bug#425292: Bug#425292: unable to find kdcraw executable

Achim Bohnet ach at mpe.mpg.de
Mon May 21 12:17:05 UTC 2007

On Sunday, 20. May 2007, Mark Purcell wrote:
> block 425292 by 424902
> thanks
> Thanks C.
> I have just uploaded libkdcraw-runtime which contains kdcraw.
> I'll then have to upload a new version of digikam with the new dependancy.

Hi Mark,

libkdcraw-runtime is unfortunatly not the right way to go.  libkdcraw is just a wrapper
around (k)dcraw.   As more or less every dcraw release changes  command line interface,
it's almost certain that a the (k)dcrw version that will be used in a future libkdcraw1
pkg is not compatible with the one in libkdcraw0.   So both will not work with
kdcraw from libkdcraw-runtime.

A chat with Gilles, upstream libkdcraw, confirmed that kdcraw is not intented
to be used by others than libkdcraw.  Users should use dcraw not kdcraw.

IMHO we should move the kdcraw to /usr/lib/libkdcraw<api>/kdcraw.  I've got the okay by
upstream for this change.  My first try to tweak auto* magic accordingly failed
last week, but I've managed something similar to kdebluetooth-dbus-integration pkg
this week end, so I'm confident that get the libkdcraw change in.

I'll give it a try as soon as possible,

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