[Pkg-kde-extras] Possible problems in your Debian packages

DDPOMail robot lucas-ddpomail at debian.org
Mon Aug 4 19:40:46 UTC 2008

=== k3b:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed for the next Debian release:
- #491704 <http://bugs.debian.org/491704>
  k3b: K3B become unusable and the CPU goes at 100% at the of any DVD "on the fly" copy

=== kile:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed for the next Debian release:
- #489618 <http://bugs.debian.org/489618>
  kile: bashism in /bin/sh script
  Part of release goal: switch /bin/sh to dash

=== kmymoney2:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed for the next Debian release:
- #490241 <http://bugs.debian.org/490241>
  FTBFS on hppa
= Missing build(s) on arm,hppa
  This might need manual action from your side.
  See http://buildd.debian.org/pkg.cgi?pkg=kmymoney2
= No migration to testing for 73 days.
  See <http://release.debian.org/migration/testing.pl?package=kmymoney2>

=== kpogre:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed for the next Debian release:
- #493438 <http://bugs.debian.org/493438>
  kpogre: FTBFS: Link errors with libpqxx

=== krecipes:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed for the next Debian release:
- #478030 <http://bugs.debian.org/478030>
  krecipes: Krecipes crashes upon start
= Not in testing for 65 days.
  If things don't change, it won't be part of lenny!
  See <http://release.debian.org/migration/testing.pl?package=krecipes>

=== ktorrent:
= Missing build(s) on hppa
  This might need manual action from your side.
  See http://buildd.debian.org/pkg.cgi?pkg=ktorrent
= No migration to testing for 28 days.
  See <http://release.debian.org/migration/testing.pl?package=ktorrent>

=== kvpnc:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed for the next Debian release:
- #489622 <http://bugs.debian.org/489622>
  kvpnc: bashism in /bin/sh script
  Part of release goal: switch /bin/sh to dash

=== tripod:
= 1 bug(s) that should be fixed for the next Debian release:
- #426810 <http://bugs.debian.org/426810>
  tripod: Crash when trying to create a new album
= Not in testing for 430 days.
  If things don't change, it won't be part of lenny!
  See <http://release.debian.org/migration/testing.pl?package=tripod>

=== wlassistant:
= 2 bug(s) that should be fixed for the next Debian release:
- #431369 <http://bugs.debian.org/431369>
  wlassistant: Doesn't create the wpa_supplicant configuration file
- #456834 <http://bugs.debian.org/456834>
  wlassistant: FTBFS: TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, list found
= Not in testing for 282 days.
  If things don't change, it won't be part of lenny!
  See <http://release.debian.org/migration/testing.pl?package=wlassistant>

=== Packages with a new upstream version according to DEHS:
(note that lenny is frozen: do not upload those new upstream
versions to unstable unless you are sure it is the right thing to do!)
  digikam  0.10.0-beta1  (Debian: 0.9.4-1)
  digikam-doc  0.9.4  (Debian: 0.9.3-1)
  kbarcode  2.0.7  (Debian: 2.0.6-1)
  keurocalc  1.0.1  (Debian: 0.9.7-1)
  kipi-plugins  0.1.6-beta1  (Debian: 0.1.5-1)
  kmplayer  0.11.0-rc4  (Debian: 0.10.0c-2)
  kpogre  1.6.6  (Debian: 1.6.2-1)
  krename  3.9.1  (Debian: 3.0.14-1)
  krusader  2.0.0-beta1  (Debian: 1.90.0-1)
  kscope  1.6.2  (Debian: 1.6.1-1)
  ksystemlog  0.4.1  (Debian: 0.3.2-1)
  kvpnc  0.9.1-rc1-kde4  (Debian: 0.9.0-1)

------------ interesting stuff probably ends here ------------
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A more detailed status of your packages is available from the DDPO.

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DDPOMail, run by Lucas Nussbaum

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