[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#490226: Bug#490226: fixed in konversation 1.1~-rc1-1

Modestas Vainius modestas at vainius.eu
Fri Jul 18 21:40:01 UTC 2008

tags 490226 pending


Friday 18 July 2008, Raphael Geissert rašė:
> The one from the bug reporter might have been fixed, but the one I
> mentioned isn't, so cloning and reopening (with severity: important, it
> isn't grave).
Yeah, there is another bug and it is fixed in konversation svn trunk, however 
I have not decided yet whether to upload it now. I guess I will wait until 
1.1rc1 migrates to lenny even if it is known to be buggy. This crash only 
happens if konvi is closed via dcop or on session close.

Modestas Vainius <modestas at vainius.eu>

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