[Pkg-kde-extras] deluge and GeoIP database license

MJ Ray mjr at phonecoop.coop
Mon Nov 24 15:56:48 UTC 2008

Cristian Greco <cristian.debian at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've found that ktorrent (CCing to pkg-kde-extras, please CC your
> replies because I'm not subscribed) uses the same DB by MaxMind, but
> that license has been considered non DFSG-free two years ago by the
> list[2].

It was the APNIC, ARIN and RIPE databases which didn't meet DFSG.  The
MaxMind one was acceptable but contained the "obnoxious" ad clause.

> Doubts:
> 1) Is this license really suitable for distribution in main now?
> 2) If so, what about ktorrent? Should they update their copy of the
> database in order to avoid source repackaging?

If the other copyrights no longer apply, it's suitable.  I don't know
what's best for ktorrent.

Hope that helps,
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