[Pkg-kde-extras] deluge and GeoIP database license

Cristian Greco cristian.debian at gmail.com
Tue Nov 25 20:07:18 UTC 2008

On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 08:09:45PM +0100, Patrick Matthäi wrote:

> Yeah it was considered non-free. I adopted the package and fixed the
> issues together with the upstream authors. It is fixed since I am
> repackaging it with a "dfsg" tarball.

I see your point here.

I had a look at your geoip package in experimental (1.4.5.dfsg-1). You
removed the string "All Rights Reserved" from the GeoIP database using:

$ sed 's/ All Rights Reserved//' -i data/GeoIP.dat

In effect, the GeoLiteCountry database used by deluge has the very same

$ wget http://www.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCountry/GeoIP.dat.gz
$ gunzip GeoIP.dat.gz
$ strings GeoIP.dat 
GEO-106FREE 20081101 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

I guess I'll ask MaxMind for a similar permission to change the
copyright statement and then I'll repackage the source tarball.

Any suggestion?


 . ''`.  Cristian Greco - cristian.debian at gmail.com
 : :'  : http://alioth.debian.org/~cristian-guest
 `. `'`  GPG Public Key ID: 1024D/0C095825
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