[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#491458: Bug#491458: digikam doesn't start-up

Luc Castermans luc.castermans at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 13:11:50 UTC 2009

Mark Purcell schreef:
> On Tuesday 24 February 2009 18:20:11 Luc Castermans wrote:
>> Application: digiKam (digikam), signal SIGSEGV
> Thanks Luc, Martial,
> Could I ask do you have gpsd installed?
No, it is not even installed.

I did a fresh KDE 4.2 install, on top of Lenny on a Dell L400 laptop 
(Pentium III, only 128MB RAM).  It did create the digikam4.db file after 
scanning the tree. It´s size is about 5x the digikam3 file. Is that normal?

luc at mestreech:/home/filmpje/fotos$ ls -l --si digikam*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 filmpje users 677k feb 22 11:52 digikam3.db
-rw-rw-r-- 1 luc     users 3,2M feb 24 14:06 digikam4.db

When I start it, it crashes when it builds the mainpage, so when I read
the subsequent messages in the splash screen, it crashes shortly
after displaying message 3 below:

1. Scan albums
2. Search for images in individual albums
3. Preparing main-page

Hope this helps!
> I can crash digikam if my gpsd is running and isn't locked in.
> If I stop gpsd `/etc/init.d/gpsd stop`
> digikam starts fine.
> Mark

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