[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#522168: tagging 522168

Didier 'OdyX' Raboud didier at raboud.com
Thu Jun 25 08:33:15 UTC 2009

#Pending by commit: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-kde/?rev=14993
tags 522168 + pending

> Le jeudi 25 juin 2009 09:19:32 Gerfried Fuchs, vous avez écrit :
> tags 522168 - pending
> thanks
> 	Hi!
> * Didier Raboud <didier at raboud.com> [2009-06-24 14:43:39 CEST]:
> > #Pending by commit: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-kde/?rev=14983
> > tags 522168 pending
>  Thanks for offering the commit URL. Reading it I unfortunately noticed
> that there seems to had been a major misunderstanding with my report. It
> was about the _first_ paragraph of the package description, the rest
> wasn't any problem at all.
>  (...)
>  These short oneliners in the long description are the issue, not the
> rest of the long description.
>  Hope I am able to clear the misunderstanding now. :)
> Rhonda

Hi Rhonda, 

I got it now I hope. I refactured the whole Description field :

Description: Lens Correction library - <package specific>
 Lensfun is an opensource database of photographic lenses and their
 characteristics. It contains three kinds of objects:
  * mounts
  * cameras
  * lenses
 It is used in various photo-related softwares in which it allows the
 correction of various artifacts:
  * distortion
  * transveral (also known as lateral) chromatic aberrations
  * vignetting
  * colour contribution of the lens (correcting said "yellowish" or "blueish"
 It provides a way to read and search for specific things in the database.
 <package specific>

Hopefully clearer now !

Best regards, 

Didier Raboud, proud Debian user.
CH-1802 Corseaux
didier at raboud.com
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