[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#594553: Two dependencies of KMyMoney 3.9.8-1.2 haven't been installed

Martin Steigerwald Martin at lichtvoll.de
Fri Aug 27 06:42:03 UTC 2010


It seems on upgrade aptitude removed two packages, version 3.9.8-1.2 
depended upon. I installed them

Richte libq4banking1 ein (4.2.4-2) ...
Richte libaqbanking29-plugins-qt4 ein (4.2.4-2) ...

and restarted KMyMoney 4.5. Still no online banking.

Thus I downgraded to 3.9.8-1.2 and online banking works like a charm.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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