[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#590932: Bug#590932: kvirc: ignore script broken

Bert Riding reriding at xmission.com
Fri Jul 30 17:19:19 UTC 2010

Hi, Kai,

Further investigation spurred on by your questions leads me to believe
that the user has in fact been /ignored but the problem lies in the
right click on name context menu which indicates the user is neither
registered  nor ignored, an indication not born out in the inspection of
those configuration items themselves.  I tried to make screen shots to
show you what I mean but I can't get it to show it correctly.  (The
popup context menus don't seem to persist without focus to kvirc so a
screenshot is impossible.) 

So I guess the bug should be closed?


Bert Riding       
reriding at xmission.com   
gnupg fingerprint:
C0F6 E202 EFB3 F332 CAB0  85D4 A113 9F46 3C93 5A6E
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