[Pkg-kde-extras] DigiKam on Squeeze vs Lenny

Magnus Sandberg mem at netnod.se
Mon May 24 18:12:08 UTC 2010


I'm looking for a good photo management software. First I looked into 
F-spot but I'm a bit skeptic about Mono. Now I'm thinking of DigiKam but 
the dependencies are crazy in Squeeze. I'm running some quite tight 
installations using Gnome as Window manager.

On my Lenny machine (not the actual target, just used as reference) 
DigiKam would like to install 16 new packages but on my Squeeze machine 
(the actual target) DigiKam would like to install 116 packages. How can 
it come that I would get 100 extra packages on Squeeze? Something has to 
be wrong with the dependencies in Squeeze. Please see attached command 

I'm not on the list, please reply to me direct.

// Mem

                  |            Magnus Sandberg            |
                  |         Email:  mem at netnod.se         |
                                   ||   ||
                                  ooO   Ooo
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