[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#593933: kmymoney: Please build with AqBanking 5

Emil Langrock emil.langrock at gmx.de
Mon Sep 20 19:17:51 UTC 2010

Emil Langrock wrote:
> I see it the same way, but I would say that this is a kind of FTBFS and
> thus it must have the severity serious.
> This has no effect on the squeeze release as it is part of experimental

I've added my complete patch to get the package build again with aqbanking 
support in experimental. Your patch wasn't sufficient as it is missing many 
important files.

The must problematic part was the CMakeList.txt changes I had to do to enable 
kbanking when everything was found.

Please also notice the changes in debian/control (important one is for example 
the build-dependency pkg-config). It took me the complete day to figure out 
why it doesn't build the aqbanking when it build on my normal machine... just 
to noticed that you forgot completely to depend on pkg-config for your cmake 
scripts which uses them.
Emil Langrock
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