[Pkg-kde-extras] Bug#593933: Bug#593933: kmymoney: Please build with AqBanking 5

Emil Langrock emil.langrock at gmx.de
Tue Sep 21 09:05:19 UTC 2010

severity 593933 serious

Mark Purcell wrote:
> On Monday 20 September 2010 22:05:11 Emil Langrock wrote:
> > I see it the same way, but I would say that this is a kind of FTBFS and
> > thus it must have the severity serious.
> kmymoney 4.5 does not FTFBS:
> https://buildd.debian.org/build.cgi?pkg=kmymoney;ver=4.5-1

If I build it in a pbuilder then I get functionality wise a complete different 
binary then the thing which is provided by you on amd64. See for example 
please search for "KBanking plugin" and look on the line if it says no or yes.

So either the source is missing (not the case) or it is a ftbfs on amd64 due 
to completely different build results. I will increase the severity again.

> Thus the severity is not series.
> I agree that kmymoney should be built with aqbanking5, however this is an
> experimental package, thus I am assigning severity wishlist for the build
> against aqbanking5.
> I also suspect the patches to build against aqbanking5 should be forwarded
> upstream as they are not Debian specific.

The patch is definitely debian specific as they change the stuff in debian/

How you fix it to get the same results when building is not my problem - I 
just provided the stuff I did. If it is enough to depend on pkg-config then 
try it - I wont do your work because I am not the package maintainer with the 
expertise to fix that stuff. If the pkg-config is enough then please feel free 
to degrease the severity again to whishlist.
Emil Langrock

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